Featured image of post Crypto Stop-Loss: A Fools Hope

Crypto Stop-Loss: A Fools Hope

Stop-loss orders in crypto? More like stop-believing-in-magic orders Whales are laughing all the way to the bank while youre left holding an empty bag

Featured image of post Orange Juice Futures: A Recipe for Financial Disaster

Orange Juice Futures: A Recipe for Financial Disaster

OJ futures down 43? Sounds like a steal right? Wrong Unless you want 45000 lbs of frozen orange juice concentrate delivered to your doorstep maybe stick to actual oranges This aint a game its a recipe for financial disaster MarketManipulation FuturesTrading

Featured image of post Palantir Puts and the Perils of WSB

Palantir Puts and the Perils of WSB

WSB guru bets against Palantir because puts Others blindly follow Is this investing or a casino? Dont be surprised when the house always wins NoFinancialAdviceJustVibes

Featured image of post Retirement on 6k a Year? Think Again

Retirement on 6k a Year? Think Again

Retirement on 6000 a year? Sure if you enjoy ramen and dumpster diving Dont be a statisticquestion everything especially rosy projections Retirement Savings

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