Walmart lost 22B? My retirement fund feels lighter already This stressed consumer talk sounds eerily like 2008 Is anyone elses financial anxiety spiking? Just me? Okay
Lost your retirement savings on a bad trade? Nah try a broken system at a major exchange This guy did and they offered him a 25k hush money voucher Cryptos Wild West is alive and well DYOR but who can you trust?
Consumer confidence is down again Surprise Just like 2008 2000 and every other time greed met reality Whos to blame? Take your pick theyre all playing the same rigged game Your retirement fund however is not
John thought hed retire early thanks to crypto Now hes back to ramen noodles Decentralization? More like de-fund-your-portfolio-ization Dont be a John CryptoCrash PonziScheme Investing
Home miner turns 2500 into 250000 mining Bitcoin? Sure and Im the King of England Dont fall for crypto fairytalesthey usually end with empty wallets