Featured image of post 2024-05-21 ⏳Bear Cryptos🐻 10M

2024-05-21 ⏳Bear Cryptos🐻 10M

Cryptocurrency market is like a Tinder date gone wrong: high expectations, disappointing performance, and a lingering sense of regret.

name price rating comment
0 ERC20 (ERC20) 0.07 7 ERC20 is like the reliable friend who never does anything too crazy, but they’re always there for you.
1 ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) 0.04 8 ConstitutionDAO - They tried to buy the Constitution. Now they’re up 30% this week. Diamond hands, indeed!
2 BeNFT Solutions (BeAI) 0.02 6 BeAI - NFTs with AI? Sounds like a recipe for a robot uprising, but I’m weirdly intrigued.
3 RichQUACK.com (QUACK) 0 4 RichQUACK.com - With a name like that, it’s either going to the moon or crashing and burning. I’m grabbing popcorn.

ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) saw a 30% surge last week! Maybe people are finally realizing the power of decentralized governance. In the world of traditional finance, it’s like Gamestop stock all over again – the little guy is fighting back! Or, maybe it’s just Elon Musk tweeting about dogs again…

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -67% 0.07 968M 499 ERC20 ERC20
1 -55% 19% 0.02 108K 2430 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
2 -40% 0.07 70.8M 550 POLY Polymath
3 -18% 0.05 53.8M 633 MDX Mdex
4 -15% 89% 0.01 870K 1855 WTC Waltonchain
5 -15% 5% 0 23.7M 1706 VEED VIMworld
6 -9% 15% 0.01 31.8M 1353 AGLA Angola
7 -9% 58% 0.01 6.67M 1420 LYRA Lyra
8 -9% 0 53.1M 620 QUACK RichQUACK.com
9 -8% 0 4.96M 1357 REV Revain
10 -8% 14% 0.34 33.7M 1361 MULTI Multichain
11 -7% 100% 0.59 22.1M 866 CEL Celsius
12 -7% 53% 0 3.21M 1636 SSG SOMESING
13 -4% 0.18 14M 1021 FSN Fusion
14 -4% 53% 0.11 30.4M 961 NWC Newscrypto
15 -3% 60% 0.15 150M 478 ALEX ALEX Lab
16 -3% 99% 0.04 219M 278 PEOPLE ConstitutionDAO
17 -3% 0.02 23.8M 838 CENNZ CENNZnet
18 -3% 97% 0.05 35.8M 726 ONIT ONBUFF
19 -3% 100% 0 52.2M 613 KIN Kin
20 -3% 81% 0.5 54.7M 656 DNX Dynex
21 -3% 57% 12.21 1.21B 112 DEXE DeXe
22 -2% 29% 0.02 128M 700 LOCUS Locus Chain
23 -2% 50% 0.84 84.1M 669 STT Statter Network
24 -2% 43% 0 24.7M 1106 OOKI Ooki Protocol
25 -2% 74% 0 2.5M 1617 BWO Battle World
26 -2% 0.01 1.34M 1703 DREP Drep [new]
27 -1% 51% 0 22.5M 1078 RXD Radiant
28 -1% 76.62 54M 609 FARM Harvest Finance

The crypto market is giving us major Monday vibes today. Is this the beginning of the end, or just another dip before the rip? Tune in tomorrow for another episode of “As The Bitcoin Turns.”

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy