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2024-05-27 Crypto Bloodbath: Where Did Your Lambo Money Go? 1B

Buckle up, buttercup, it's about to get real ugly in here. We're diving deep into the crypto market's underbelly to expose the coins with the lowest fully diluted market caps. Spoiler alert: it's not pretty.

  • VET (VeChain)
    • $0.04: ⭐⭐⭐
    • VeChain, more like ‘Meh-Chain,’ am I right? This coin is about as exciting as watching paint dry on a slow news day. With a price like that, you’re better off investing in lottery tickets. At least those come with a dream, however unrealistic. This? This is just sad.
  • HBAR (Hedera)
    • $0.11: ⭐⭐
    • Hedera, Hedera… rings a bell, but I can’t quite place it. Oh, right! It’s that coin I forgot I even bought. It’s like that friend you had in high school who peaked too early – all hype, no substance.
  • CRO (Cronos)
    • $0.12: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Cronos, named after the Greek titan of time? More like the Greek titan of wasting your time. This coin is moving slower than a snail in a staring contest with a sloth. At this rate, we’ll all be retired before it sees any significant gains.
  • XLM (Stellar)
    • $0.11: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Stellar? More like ‘Subpar-lar.’ Listen, I appreciate a good underdog story as much as the next person, but this coin is starting to resemble that one friend who keeps telling you about their ‘big break’ that never seems to happen. It’s getting old.
  • TRX (TRON)
    • $0.11: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Ah, TRON. Remember when this thing was supposed to take over the world? Good times. Now it’s stuck in the crypto bargain bin, sandwiched between forgotten meme coins and projects that never made it past their whitepaper.

Speaking of bad financial decisions, anyone catch that Reddit post where some dude flushed $220,000 down the crypto drain? He’s ‘surviving lol,’ he says. Well, guess what? Some of these coins are doing even worse! They’re making that guy look like Warren Buffett.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 1 70.5M 553 BUSD BUSD
1 1 507M 136 TUSD TrueUSD
2 81% 91.91 1.37B 80 QNT Quant
3 141.86 2.62B 45 XMR Monero
4 +6% 89% 2.62 2.62B 51 LDO Lido DAO
5 92% 2823.25 2.84B 44 MKR Maker
6 83% 0.04 3.05B 46 VET VeChain
7 8.47 3.31B 31 ATOM Cosmos
8 87% 0.12 3.63B 35 CRO Cronos
9 68600.8 4.15B 209 BTCB Bitcoin BEP2
10 71% 0.11 5.32B 28 HBAR Hedera
11 1 5.35B 24 DAI Dai
12 71% 0.11 5.39B 210 WHBAR Wrapped HBAR
13 -1% 57% 0.11 5.42B 37 XLM Stellar
14 -1% 5.92 5.84B 23 LEO UNUS SED LEO
15 -1% 11.99 6.22B 22 ICP Internet Computer
16 +1% 52% 1.03 6.42B 30 MNT Mantle
17 69% 32.03 6.75B 25 ETC Ethereum Classic
18 88% 84.65 7.11B 21 LTC Litecoin
19 99% 0.72 7.21B 19 MATIC Polygon
20 -4% 7.8 9.3B 17 NEAR NEAR Protocol
21 -1% 93% 484.24 10.2B 16 BCH Bitcoin Cash
22 -1% 0.11 9.78B 205 WTRX Wrapped TRON
23 -1% 0.11 9.79B 15 TRX TRON
24 +1% 9.18 10.1B 26 APT Aptos
25 68710.3 10.7B 204 WBTC Wrapped Bitcoin
26 7.43 10.7B 13 DOT Polkadot
27 25% 2.57 11B 43 OP Optimism
28 -1% 59% 11.04 11B 20 UNI Uniswap

So, there you have it, folks. The crypto market’s version of a dumpster fire. Is it entertaining to watch? Sure. Would I invest in any of these coins? Not if my life depended on it. But hey, at least we can find humor in the absurdity of it all, right? Right?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy