Featured image of post 2024-05-29  Crypto Crapshoot:  Whos Feeling Lucky?

2024-05-29 Crypto Crapshoot: Whos Feeling Lucky?

Crypto is a casino, and these coins are rolling the dice. Grab your rabbit's foot and let's see who hits the jackpot (and who craps out).

  • LADYS (Milady Meme Coin)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • The name says it all. This meme coin is up 33% this week. Is it dumb money? Absolutely. Am I still a little curious? Maybe.
  • BONK (Bonk)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • With a name like ‘Bonk,’ I’m not expecting a Nobel Prize in Economics any time soon. Up 12% in 24 hours? Someone’s buying this, and it’s not Warren Buffet.
  • HIGH (Highstreet)
    • $6.70: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • This coin’s name screams ‘pump and dump,’ but it’s also up 60% in a week. Am I high, or is this actually making money?
  • SAMO (Samoyedcoin)
    • $0.02: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • What happens when you combine a fluffy dog with volatile crypto? Apparently, a 104% gain in a week. This is either genius, or I’m missing something obvious. Probably both.

Looks like someone’s been eavesdropping on degenerate gamblers and their hot stock tips again. Word on the casino floor is NVDA is about to split 10:1, and everyone and their dog thinks it’s going “to the moon!” Should we trust the wisdom of the masses, or is this the signal to short everything? Time to channel your inner Warren Buffett (or maybe just your inner Jim Cramer) and make some sense of this market madness.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +38% 0.01 136M 559 COS Contentos
1 +31% 82% 0 254M 312 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
2 +30% 78% 0.23 334M 277 TRU TrueFi
3 +22% 95% 0.29 28.9M 831 OPTI Optimus AI
4 +18% 99% 0.22 217M 298 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
5 +17% 0.08 83.9M 537 REI REI Network
6 +16% 14% 0 141M 936 DC Dogechain
7 +16% 525.61 56.5M 629 LEASH Doge Killer
8 +15% 1.07 1.23B 114 AXL Axelar
9 +15% 27% 0.82 820M 293 NTRN Neutron
10 +13% 21% 0 230M 652 STC SaitaChain Coin
11 +13% 88% 0.01 50.3M 692 KEY SelfKey
12 +13% 1.19 13.1M 1099 REP Augur
13 +13% 0.08 162M 485 ARPA ARPA
14 +13% 43% 0.02 153M 570 MAPO MAP Protocol
15 +12% 0 3.99B 41 BONK Bonk
16 +12% 0 5.34M 1390 REV Revain
17 +11% 0.65 650M 619 NPT NEOPIN
18 +11% 27% 0.07 61.6M 1002 HTR Hathor
19 +10% 28% 0.18 351M 482 XPLA XPLA
20 +10% 6.7 670M 244 HIGH Highstreet
21 +9% 0.96 308M 428 MBX MARBLEX
22 +9% 91% 0.9 74.8M 565 VRSC VerusCoin
23 +8% 0 67.9M 581 KISHU Kishu Inu
24 +9% 99% 0.35 13.5M 1086 ADS Adshares
25 +9% 29% 0.02 129M 740 LOCUS Locus Chain
26 +9% 119.52 66.8M 573 DPI DeFi Pulse Index
27 +8% 77% 0.02 81.1M 588 SAMO Samoyedcoin
28 +9% 0.01 104M 471 XVG Verge

So, is the crypto market going to the moon or crashing back down to earth? Your guess is as good as mine, but if history is any indication, it’s probably going to do both… at the same time. Buckle up, buttercup, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. (And if you see a casino worker giving you stock tips, run.)

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy