Featured image of post 2024-05-29   The Crypto Bargain Bin: Where Dreams Go to Die?

2024-05-29 The Crypto Bargain Bin: Where Dreams Go to Die?

Welcome to the crypto gutter, where the fully diluted market cap goes lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. We're about to dissect some of the saddest stories in crypto, so grab a tissue (or a bottle of whiskey, you'll probably need it).

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • SONM, more like ‘So Numb’ from that 67% drop! Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. This is the crypto equivalent of finding a moldy sandwich in the back of your fridge.
  • PLAY (Play Token)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Play Token? More like ‘Pay someone to take this off my hands’ token, amirite? Even with a name like that, it’s down 14%. Time to unleash the sad trombone.
  • STRAX (Stratis [Old])
    • $0.08: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • [Old] in crypto years is like dog years in real life. This one’s been put out to pasture, but at least it’s not actively tanking. Today.
  • EXRD (e-Radix)
    • $0.04: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • e-Radix: Sounds like a villain from a low-budget sci-fi movie. This coin is down with less fully diluted market cap than a hamster has brain cells.

While big players like Semler Scientific are busy inflating Bitcoin’s ego, some coins are struggling to even buy a vowel. Let’s be honest, folks, some of these projects are about as appealing as a week-old burrito bowl. But hey, maybe there’s a diamond in the rough, or at least a decent meme coin to make fun of.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +1% 0.08 0 4286 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 -1% 3% 0.04 952M 808 EXRD e-Radix
2 -67% 0 135K 2353 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
3 19% 0.04 293K 2466 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
4 0 410K 2112 RFR Refereum
5 -1% 89% 0 464K 2110 WTC Waltonchain
6 +1% 79% 0.01 640K 2071 DAWN Dawn Protocol
7 -14% 0 814K 1987 PLAY Play Token
8 -3% 99% 0 969K 1883 MARO Maro
9 +4% 0.01 1.22M 1816 DREP Drep [new]
10 +7% 74% 0 2.54M 1690 BWO Battle World
11 +1% 58% 0 2.65M 1748 LYRA Lyra
12 53% 0 2.89M 1747 SSG SOMESING
13 76% 0 4.24M 1541 XWC WhiteCoin
14 -2% 0.38 4.71M 1434 RGT Rari Governance Token
15 52% 0.01 5.1M 1593 WOZX Efforce
16 +12% 0 5.34M 1390 REV Revain
17 63% 1 8.47M 1389 VAI Vai
18 -4% 0.05 5.4M 1400 GRV Grove Coin
19 0.02 5.83M 1458 VTS Veritise
20 +5% 69% 0 8.51M 1369 TAMA Tamadoge
21 1.09 6.55M 1343 CEUR Celo Euro
22 -2% 0.45 6.6M 1340 NMC Namecoin
23 0.01 6.98M 1327 EQUAD QuadrantProtocol
24 86% 0.39 8.23M 1316 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
25 +3% 65% 0.01 7.64M 1412 ORC Orbit Chain
26 -1% 0 7.29M 1770 THN Throne
27 97% 0.08 7.79M 1291 WAIT Hourglass
28 -1% 49% 0 8.02M 1481 STRM StreamCoin

Well, there you have it, the dregs of the crypto universe. Investing in these coins is like betting on a horse that’s already dead. But hey, it’s a volatile market, so who knows, maybe they’ll surprise us all (or maybe they’ll just keep circling the drain). Remember, in the words of the great Warren Buffet (who probably wouldn’t touch these coins with a 10-foot pole): ‘Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful… or just stick to index funds, it’s less stressful.’

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy