Featured image of post 2024-05-30  The Shitcoin Diarrhea Report

2024-05-30 The Shitcoin Diarrhea Report

Buckle up, buttercups! Today's crypto market is a dumpster fire of meme coins and questionable life choices. We're diving headfirst into the abyss of the Top 10 Million, where dreams go to die and your grandma's retirement fund fears to tread.

    • $42.09: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • This ain’t your mama’s Bitcoin. With a name like ‘ORDI,’ it sounds like an extinct sea creature, but hey, at least it’s up today! Maybe those rumors about it being found on a Viking ship are true… or maybe it’s just another rug pull waiting to happen.
  • LADYS (Milady Meme Coin)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Ah, the Milady Meme Coin. Proof that even the most fervent prayers to the meme gods can’t save a sinking ship. Down 20%? Honey, grab a life vest, this ship’s already hit the ocean floor.
  • CORE (Core)
    • $1.97: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Core? More like snore. This coin’s been stuck in a sideways trading pattern tighter than a pair of skinny jeans after Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe it’s time to swap this ‘Core’ for some actual muscle.
  • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20))
    • $0.19: ⭐
    • Even with a name that screams ‘desperate attempt to go viral,’ this HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20) monstrosity is down bad. This is what happens when you try to ride the coattails of every fading trend simultaneously. A+ for effort, F- for execution.
  • BeAI (BeNFT Solutions)
    • $0.06: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • BeAI, they said. It’ll be revolutionary, they said. Well, the revolution hasn’t quite arrived yet. This one’s for the true gamblers, the ones who look at a 39% pump and think, ‘Hold my beer.’

Remember that Reddit post about Nvidia’s market cap dwarfing Ferrari’s like a monster truck crushing a Smart car? Well, today’s featured shitcoins can only dream of such dominance. We’re talking about tokens like ‘HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu’ - because when you can’t decide on just one pop culture icon to plaster on your pump-and-dump scheme, why not choose them all?

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +5% 20% 2.47 2.47B 138 ARKM Arkham
1 -2% 0.12 13M 1093 BRICK r/FortNiteBR Bricks
2 -4% 100% 13.33 13.3M 1082 UNIBOT UniBot
3 -5% 50% 0.77 77.3M 724 STT Statter Network
4 -7% 27% 0.76 756M 300 NTRN Neutron
5 -4% 63% 0 21.3M 1072 BAD Bad Idea AI
6 -1% 0 101M 485 SNEK Snek
7 -13% 99% 0.19 187M 324 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
8 100% 42.09 884M 97 ORDI ORDI
9 -20% 82% 0 201M 346 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
10 +39% 19% 0.06 408K 2426 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
11 -2% 3894.92 3.49B 211 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
12 -5% 29% 0.87 873M 272 EDU Open Campus
13 -15% 0 99.3M 501 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
14 +2% 0 831K 1976 PLAY Play Token
15 -2% 0.3 905M 285 AGI Delysium
16 -1% 83% 0.02 196M 351 SDEX SmarDex
17 0.16 156M 1002 UNS UNS TOKEN
18 +4% 90% 0.12 105M 493 NXRA Nexera
19 +19% 95% 0.35 34.7M 767 OPTI Optimus AI
20 -4% 90% 2.17 217M 315 ATOR ATOR Protocol
21 -2% 4% 0.02 158M 1310 HVH HAVAH
22 -6% 77% 0.02 20.1M 1024 IMGNAI Image Generation AI
23 -4% 42% 1.97 4.13B 59 CORE Core
24 22% 0.02 166M 741 GFAL Games for a Living
25 10% 0 88.4M 1204 NEXA Nexa
26 -4% 86% 0.26 258M 289 0x0 0x0.ai
27 -8% 0.39 53.9M 678 TOMI tomiNet
28 -7% 0.05 5.03M 1421 GRV Grove Coin

The crypto market’s like that friend who shows up to a party already wasted - unpredictable, volatile, and likely to leave you with a headache in the morning. But hey, sometimes you just gotta embrace the chaos, right?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy