Featured image of post 2024-06-04 Baby Cryptos 10M: A Comedy of Errors and a Pinch of Hope? You Decide

2024-06-04 Baby Cryptos 10M: A Comedy of Errors and a Pinch of Hope? You Decide

Buckle up, buttercup, it's about to get weird (and by weird, we mean the crypto market on 2024-06-04).

    • $48.26: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • ORDI, the overachiever of the group, decided to defy the odds (and gravity) with a 5% jump. Maybe it’s time to invest in astronaut diapers?
  • ARKM (Arkham)
    • $2.46: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • ARKM, bless its heart, tried to play it cool with a -1% dip. It’s like that friend who says they ‘don’t care’ about their ex, but then stalks them on Instagram…relatable?
  • BAD (Bad Idea AI)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • BAD, with a name like that, what did you expect? This coin’s performance is about as predictable as a toddler in a tutu. 12% up? Sure, why not?
  • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20))
    • $0.15: ⭐
    • BITCOIN, you’re not fooling anyone with that name. This is like calling your pet goldfish ‘Jaws’ - wildly inaccurate and slightly concerning. -7% down? Shocker
  • BRICK (r/FortNiteBR Bricks)
    • $0.12: ⭐⭐⭐
    • BRICK by r/FortNiteBR - because who needs real-life assets when you can have virtual building blocks? This coin’s down 6%…almost as much as my faith in humanity.

Remember that time Warren Buffet accidentally bought the entire stock market? Okay, maybe not, BUT our data from June 04, 2024 shows some BRK.A-level shenanigans going down in the land of baby cryptos. Hold onto your hats, kids, because this rollercoaster’s got more dips than a bowl of salsa at a Superbowl party.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -1% 20% 2.46 2.46B 141 ARKM Arkham
1 -6% 0.12 13.4M 1075 BRICK r/FortNiteBR Bricks
2 -3% 100% 12.49 12.5M 1099 UNIBOT UniBot
3 50% 0.83 83M 703 STT Statter Network
4 -4% 27% 0.74 736M 304 NTRN Neutron
5 +12% 63% 0 22.7M 1051 BAD Bad Idea AI
6 +1% 0 105M 472 SNEK Snek
7 -7% 99% 0.15 155M 361 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
8 +5% 100% 48.26 1.01B 88 ORDI ORDI
9 +4% 82% 0 209M 338 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
10 -53% 19% 0.03 190K 2514 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
11 -1% 3914.61 3.51B 210 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
12 -1% 29% 0.87 868M 271 EDU Open Campus
13 -3% 0 92.5M 520 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
14 -27% 0 994K 1937 PLAY Play Token
15 +3% 0.3 909M 282 AGI Delysium
16 83% 0.02 187M 357 SDEX SmarDex
17 0.16 156M 1006 UNS UNS TOKEN
18 90% 0.11 94.5M 517 NXRA Nexera
19 95% 0.35 34.9M 766 OPTI Optimus AI
20 -2% 90% 1.96 196M 336 ATOR ATOR Protocol
21 -4% 4% 0.01 145M 1340 HVH HAVAH
22 +5% 77% 0.02 21.5M 1001 IMGNAI Image Generation AI
23 42% 1.87 3.92B 62 CORE Core
24 +1% 22% 0.02 166M 735 GFAL Games for a Living
25 +2% 10% 0 81.4M 1232 NEXA Nexa
26 +4% 86% 0.27 272M 281 0x0 0x0.ai
27 0.38 52.3M 690 TOMI tomiNet
28 -12% 0.03 3.03M 1570 GRV Grove Coin

So, there you have it. The crypto market: where logic takes a backseat and memes drive Lambos (or at least, that’s what we tell ourselves). Stay tuned for more financial adventures! Maybe tomorrow, a Dogecoin will become sentient and solve world hunger…or maybe not. Stranger things have happened, right?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy