Featured image of post 2024-06-06  Market Movers and Shakers or Lack Thereof  10M

2024-06-06 Market Movers and Shakers or Lack Thereof 10M

Buckle up, buttercup, it's about to get real...ly depressing in the crypto-sphere. We're diving deep into the bargain bin of digital assets.

  • BWO (Battle World)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐⭐
    • With a name like “Battle World”, I was hoping for epic gains, not a measly 43% bump. Come on, warriors, let’s see some real fighting spirit! Or maybe just accept defeat and join the 99% of cryptos destined for obscurity.
  • EXRD (e-Radix)
    • $0.04: ⭐
    • Down 1%? Yawn. Even my grandma’s knitting circle has seen more action than this. e-Radix, you need to either step it up or accept your fate as the warm milk of crypto - boring and best left forgotten.
  • WTC (Waltonchain)
    • $0.00:
    • An 83% nosedive? Oof, someone call a search and rescue team, because Waltonchain is lost in the abyss! This is the crypto equivalent of that friend who swears they’ll “pay you back later” but you know deep down you’ll never see that money again.
  • STRAX (Stratis [Old])
    • $0.07: ⭐⭐
    • Stratis [Old] - emphasis on the “old.” This coin is like that dusty relic you find in your attic. You vaguely remember it being cool once, but now it’s just taking up space. Time to cash in on that nostalgia…or not, because it’s probably worthless.

Remember that dude on Reddit bragging about holding NVIDIA since ‘02? Yeah, this ain’t that. Today’s low-cap cryptos are making a used car look like a Lambo. But hey, maybe one of these dumpster fires will turn into a rocket ship. Or maybe they’ll just further cement your belief that all your financial decisions are questionable at best. Let’s dig in.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +1% 0.07 0 4126 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 -1% 3% 0.04 955M 813 EXRD e-Radix
2 -83% 89% 0 213K 2278 WTC Waltonchain
3 +35% 19% 0.05 327K 2463 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
4 +6% 0 349K 2167 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
5 -1% 0 358K 2163 RFR Refereum
6 -21% 79% 0.01 522K 2127 DAWN Dawn Protocol
7 -3% 99% 0 880K 1925 MARO Maro
8 0.01 1.03M 1874 DREP Drep [new]
9 +24% 0 1.37M 1853 PLAY Play Token
10 -37% 58% 0 1.56M 1907 LYRA Lyra
11 +10% 53% 0 2.69M 1776 SSG SOMESING
12 -7% 0.03 2.89M 1584 GRV Grove Coin
13 -6% 0.32 3.99M 1480 RGT Rari Governance Token
14 -11% 0 4.45M 1454 REV Revain
15 +12% 76% 0 4.68M 1524 XWC WhiteCoin
16 -4% 0.02 4.76M 1529 VTS Veritise
17 -7% 97% 0.05 5.01M 1421 WAIT Hourglass
18 61% 1 8.47M 1410 VAI Vai
19 +43% 77% 0.01 5.93M 1440 BWO Battle World
20 -2% 69% 0 8.39M 1380 TAMA Tamadoge
21 1.09 6.36M 1362 CEUR Celo Euro
22 -6% 0.45 6.6M 1352 NMC Namecoin
23 0.01 6.96M 1336 EQUAD QuadrantProtocol
24 -2% 65% 0.01 7.36M 1427 ORC Orbit Chain
25 +1% 86% 0.39 8.1M 1329 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
26 49% 0 7.24M 1526 STRM StreamCoin
27 +6% 100% 0 7.61M 1298 TABOO TABOO TOKEN
28 0 7.9M 1748 THN Throne

Well, there you have it folks, a glimpse into the wild world of low-cap cryptos. It’s a jungle out there, filled with more flops than a pancake breakfast at my place. Remember, just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it’s a bargain. But hey, maybe that’s the lesson we all need to learn the hard way. Happy (or should I say, “optimistically cautious?”) investing!

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy