Featured image of post 2024-06-07  Crypto Market: Where Dreams Go to Die and VCs Pray for a Pulse

2024-06-07 Crypto Market: Where Dreams Go to Die and VCs Pray for a Pulse

Buckle up buttercup, it's a bloodbath out there in alt-coin land. We're talking lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut low. Let's dive into this dumpster fire of a market and see if we can salvage any dignity (or at least a couple of satoshis).

  • EXRD (e-Radix)
    • $0.04: ⭐⭐⭐
    • e-Radix, or as I like to call it, ‘The Ex’ - You know it’s probably bad for you, but you keep checking your portfolio hoping it magically got better. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.
  • WTC (Waltonchain)
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • Waltonchain, taking a 66% nosedive. Not even Elon Musk tweeting about Doge could save this one. It’s like finding out your favorite band is back together, but they’re all tone-deaf now.
  • BeAI (BeNFT Solutions)
    • $0.02: ⭐⭐
    • BeNFT Solutions? More like Be-WARE Solutions. Down 65%? This coin’s performance is more artificial intelligence, less actual intelligence.
  • TAMA (Tamadoge)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Tamadoge, because everything needs a dog-themed coin, right? It’s actually holding relatively steady. Maybe those WSB degens should be taking notes from the dog with the ‘Woof’ investment advice.

Remember those WSB degens riding the NVDA gravy train? Turns out even a border collie with a Robinhood account can sniff out a bubble these days. But while Jensen’s laughing all the way to the bank, our beloved alt-coins are stuck in the elevator, going down… probably to the basement of despair.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 0.07 0 4165 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 3% 0.04 958M 810 EXRD e-Radix
2 -66% 89% 0 70.8K 2462 WTC Waltonchain
3 -65% 19% 0.02 112K 2557 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
4 -4% 0 332K 2172 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
5 -5% 0 337K 2170 RFR Refereum
6 +9% 79% 0.01 570K 2104 DAWN Dawn Protocol
7 +4% 99% 0 922K 1905 MARO Maro
8 -1% 0.01 1.02M 1874 DREP Drep [new]
9 -8% 0 1.25M 1877 PLAY Play Token
10 +31% 58% 0 2.06M 1829 LYRA Lyra
11 +3% 53% 0 2.78M 1767 SSG SOMESING
12 -2% 0.03 2.83M 1597 GRV Grove Coin
13 -2% 0.31 3.9M 1494 RGT Rari Governance Token
14 76% 0 4.69M 1522 XWC WhiteCoin
15 +5% 0 4.7M 1428 REV Revain
16 0.02 4.73M 1534 VTS Veritise
17 56% 1 8.47M 1425 VAI Vai
18 -1% 97% 0.05 4.94M 1423 WAIT Hourglass
19 -16% 77% 0 4.95M 1499 BWO Battle World
20 -4% 69% 0 8.05M 1387 TAMA Tamadoge
21 1.09 6.34M 1366 CEUR Celo Euro
22 0.45 6.62M 1350 NMC Namecoin
23 -2% 65% 0.01 7.17M 1430 ORC Orbit Chain
24 0.01 6.95M 1338 EQUAD QuadrantProtocol
25 49% 0 7.26M 1526 STRM StreamCoin
26 +3% 86% 0.4 8.36M 1318 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
27 -1% 0 7.79M 1751 THN Throne
28 +4% 100% 0 7.98M 1274 TABOO TABOO TOKEN

Overall, the crypto market is about as stable as a Jenga tower after a couple of tequila shots. My advice? Maybe buy some NVDA, buy your dog a treat, and pray for a miracle.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy