Featured image of post 2024-06-07  DeFi-nitely Not Financial Advice: Baby Cryptos Edition

2024-06-07 DeFi-nitely Not Financial Advice: Baby Cryptos Edition

Buckle up, buttercup, it's time for another rollercoaster ride through the wild world of baby cryptos. We're talking about the ones still clinging to the crib rails of a 10 million market cap. This ain't your grandpa's stock portfolio, folks.

  • SNEK (Snek)
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • SNEK, you sly dog. Hiding in plain sight with a name like that. 0% change? Classic snake move. You’re the crypto equivalent of playing dead, hoping no one notices you’re actually just slow and boring.

Remember those WSB posts about turning a cool $2M into a ‘measly’ $582k? Yeah, the ones where everyone demanded ‘positions or ban’? Turns out, even a 10k gain is cause for celebration (and a whole lot of jealousy) in the land of options trading. Today, we’re diving into a different kind of gamble - the world of baby cryptos, where fortunes are made and lost faster than you can say ‘rug pull.’

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +4% 20% 2.72 2.72B 135 ARKM Arkham
1 -4% 0.12 13.2M 1090 BRICK r/FortNiteBR Bricks
2 -4% 100% 11.75 11.8M 1128 UNIBOT UniBot
3 50% 0.8 80.4M 722 STT Statter Network
4 27% 0.77 765M 300 NTRN Neutron
5 +12% 63% 0 25.3M 1020 BAD Bad Idea AI
6 0 101M 487 SNEK Snek
7 -3% 99% 0.14 139M 399 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
8 +12% 100% 63.3 1.33B 72 ORDI ORDI
9 -3% 82% 0 210M 343 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
10 19% 0.01 85.4K 2568 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
11 3968.41 3.56B 210 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
12 +1% 29% 0.86 857M 276 EDU Open Campus
13 +6% 0 103M 498 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
14 -30% 0 923K 1964 PLAY Play Token
15 -1% 0.3 902M 285 AGI Delysium
16 -2% 0.02 185M 368 SDEX SmarDex
17 0.16 158M 1008 UNS UNS TOKEN
18 -7% 90% 0.12 102M 502 NXRA Nexera
19 0.28 27.8M 845 OPTI Optimus AI
20 -1% 90% 2.04 204M 329 ATOR ATOR Protocol
21 -5% 4% 0.01 144M 1354 HVH HAVAH
22 77% 0.02 21.9M 1000 IMGNAI Image Generation AI
23 +2% 42% 1.99 4.17B 60 CORE Core
24 -5% 22% 0.02 192M 701 GFAL Games for a Living
25 +3% 10% 0 90M 1209 NEXA Nexa
26 -4% 86% 0.28 283M 279 0x0 0x0.ai
27 +2% 0.38 52.8M 695 TOMI tomi
28 -2% 0.03 2.87M 1590 GRV Grove Coin

So, there you have it, folks: another day, another dollar in the crypto casino. Remember, these ‘insights’ are about as reliable as a weather forecast in a hurricane. Invest at your own risk, and always have a sense of humor (and a backup plan). Because in the immortal words of every financial advisor ever, ‘past performance is not indicative of future results.’ Or, as we like to say in the crypto world, ‘DYOR, because I’m definitely not responsible for your financial decisions.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy