Featured image of post 2024-06-12 Bear Cryptos 10M

2024-06-12 Bear Cryptos 10M

Crypto looking like that one friend after a rough night out - bruised, battered, and begging for a win. Buckle up, degens, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  • BeAI (BeNFT Solutions)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐
    • BeAI-ing the market? More like getting absolutely wrecked with an 88% drop in 24 hours. Someone needs to stage an intervention, stat! This one’s heading for the dumpster behind Wendy’s.
  • PLAY (Play Token)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Play Token? More like ‘Pay Attention To This Dumpster Fire’ Token, amirite? 177% up this week, but down 27% today? This ain’t no game, folks, it’s a rollercoaster from hell.
  • HIGH (Highstreet)
    • $2.88: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Highstreet’s hanging in there like a champ, relatively speaking. Down 25% is a papercut in this bloodbath. They haven’t completely YOLO’d on 0DTE options yet, so there’s that.
  • DUST (Dust Protocol)
    • $0.20: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Dust Protocol? More like ‘Dust Yourself Off And Try Again Next Time’ Protocol. Down 11% today, down 33% for the week. Even the name screams ‘inevitable failure.’
  • BTC2 (Bitcoin 2)
    • $0.47: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • ‘We’re not Bitcoin, we’re Bitcoin 2! We’re cooler, we’re better, we’re…down 9% today.’ Classic underdog story, if the underdog was constantly tripping over its own shoelaces.

Remember that dude on Reddit who blew his tuition on Apple calls? Turns out, Tim Apple giveth, and Tim Apple taketh away. Our dataset paints a picture of the aftermath - a sea of red with a few brave souls clinging to green lifelines.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -88% 19% 0.01 86.1K 2561 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
1 -27% 0 2.72M 1632 PLAY Play Token
2 -25% 2.88 288M 347 HIGH Highstreet
3 -22% 14% 0.2 20.1M 1545 MULTI Multichain
4 -21% 14% 0 131M 924 PTS Petals
5 -20% 0 3.83M 1464 REV Revain
6 -20% 54% 0 22.1M 1081 FRA Fractal Network
7 -18% 60% 0.12 116M 538 GOG Guild of Guardians
8 -15% 76% 0 4.87M 1469 XWC WhiteCoin
9 -14% 0.84 750M 108 OM MANTRA
10 -14% 78% 0.19 276M 273 TRU TrueFi
11 -13% 0.22 91.4M 497 TLOS Telos
12 -13% 0.06 59.9M 851 AVINOC AVINOC
13 -12% 51% 0 25.1M 1052 RXD Radiant
14 -11% 0 7.07M 1757 THN Throne
15 -11% 0.2 6.74M 1461 DUST Dust Protocol
16 -11% 0.27 3.37M 1505 RGT Rari Governance Token
17 -10% 0.16 2.03B 4906 ERC20 ERC20
18 -10% 13.34 151M 396 MOVR Moonriver
19 -10% 0.02 23.1M 1032 OPEN Open Custody Protocol
20 -10% 37% 0 43M 979 YOOSHI YooShi
21 -10% 1.21 323M 735 AMPL Ampleforth
22 -9% 0.16 16.1M 975 SWAP TrustSwap
23 -9% 17% 0.1 90.3M 983 ASTRAFER Astrafer
24 -9% 0.01 625M 114 CKB Nervos Network
25 -9% 2.84 356M 255 API3 API3
26 -9% 0.11 576M 118 PEOPLE ConstitutionDAO
27 -9% 86% 0.47 9.95M 1202 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
28 -9% 2.38 238M 4152 LYXe LUKSO [Old]

The only green candles we’re seeing today are fueled by the tears of over-leveraged gamblers. Is this the end of crypto as we know it? Probably not, but it’s definitely time to update those resumes. Just don’t tell anyone you’re a ‘crypto-enthusiast.’ No one’s hiring for that.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy