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2024-06-19 Crypto-Carnage or Buffet Bonanza? 1B

Crypto land saw more red than a bull in a china shop this week, but are those tears of sorrow or tears of joy? Let's dive into the wreckage (and maybe find some winners) in this chaotic episode of Crypto Weekly!

  • LDO (Lido DAO)
    • $2.36: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Lido DAO is like that overachieving student who always aces the pop quizzes - up 21% this week! Did someone slip them the answers? SEC’s lookin’ at you… 👀
  • LINK (Chainlink)
    • $14.36: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Remember kids, if you’re gonna mislead the public about something, make sure it’s not as easily verifiable as on-chain data. Chainlink keeps it real, unlike some pharma companies I could mention… Kansas, take notes! 📝
  • ETC (Ethereum Classic)
    • $23.86: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Ethereum Classic is like that old band you used to love, but now they just play the same hits. Sure, they’re up 3% today, but it’s time to reinvent yourself, grandpa! 👴
  • SHIB (Shiba Inu)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Shiba Inu is down again. Shocker! I’m honestly surprised people still throw money at this dog-themed meme coin. Maybe they’re hoping Elon Musk tweets about it again. Spoiler alert: he won’t. 🐶
  • BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
    • $394.11: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Bitcoin Cash is like that friend who swears they’re going to pay you back ‘soon.’ Yeah, right. And I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you too. 🤡

Listen up, degenerates! Seems like everyone and their grandma is in the market these days, pushing those retirement funds into…well, whatever’s green. Speaking of green, looks like Kansas ain’t too happy with Pfizer, claiming they misled folks about the COVID vaccine. Now, I’m no lawyer, but maybe they shoulda bought Chainlink (LINK) instead - at least LINK tells you the truth, even if it hurts your portfolio. Just sayin’.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +17% 2.36 2.36B 43 LDO Lido DAO
1 +9% 92% 2396.9 2.41B 41 MKR Maker
2 +5% 5.02 6B 20 NEAR NEAR Protocol
3 +5% 25% 1.91 8.18B 44 OP Optimism
4 +5% 14.36 14.4B 15 LINK Chainlink
5 +4% 0.08 4.01B 835 WHBAR Wrapped HBAR
6 +4% 71% 0.08 4.02B 30 HBAR Hedera
7 +4% 10.25 10.3B 17 UNI Uniswap
8 +4% 6.81 2.66B 33 ATOM Cosmos
9 +3% 70% 23.86 5.03B 25 ETC Ethereum Classic
10 +3% 3556.58 435B 2 ETH Ethereum
11 +3% 54% 27.31 19.5B 12 AVAX Avalanche
12 +3% 0.13 18.1B 8 DOGE Dogecoin
13 +3% 3541.37 33.8B 201 stETH Lido Staked ETH
14 +3% 0.58 5.76B 18 MATIC Polygon
15 +3% 79% 0.39 17.4B 10 ADA Cardano
16 +2% 0 10.9B 11 SHIB Shiba Inu
17 +2% 0.81 8.14B 39 ARB Arbitrum
18 +2% 83% 0.03 2.25B 49 VET VeChain
19 +1% 6.98 7.69B 27 APT Aptos
20 +1% 597.12 88.1B 4 BNB BNB
21 +1% 0.12 10.2B 204 WTRX Wrapped TRON
22 +1% 5.96 8.57B 14 DOT Polkadot
23 +1% 58% 0.09 4.63B 31 XLM Stellar
24 +1% 0.12 10.2B 13 TRX TRON
25 88% 73.83 6.2B 19 LTC Litecoin
26 81% 77.59 1.15B 74 QNT Quant
27 52% 0.83 5.13B 32 MNT Mantle
28 93% 394.11 8.28B 16 BCH Bitcoin Cash

Well, folks, it seems like the only thing predictable about the crypto market is its unpredictability. So buckle up, hold on tight, and remember - it’s all fun and games until someone loses a Lambo. Or their mom’s basement.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy