Featured image of post 2024-06-20  Crypto Bloodbath:  Where Your Life Savings Go to Die

2024-06-20 Crypto Bloodbath: Where Your Life Savings Go to Die

Strap yourselves in, degenerates, because the crypto market is about as predictable as a toddler on a sugar rush. We're diving into the bargain bin of digital assets, those coins clinging to the bottom rung of the fully diluted market cap ladder. Spoiler alert: it ain't pretty.

    • $1.00: ⭐⭐
    • Stablecoin my ass! When the only thing stable about you is your descent into irrelevance, you know it’s bad. BUSD - Because ‘Unstable Shitcoin Doomed’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. Though it’s more accurate… just like that WallStreetBets genius on the Boeing flight probably feels right now.
  • TUSD (TrueUSD)
    • $0.99: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Another stablecoin trying to convince us it’s not going to zero. Bro, you and BUSD need to have a intervention. The only “truth” here is that anyone still holding these after that Terra Luna fiasco deserves a participation trophy.
  • BTCB (Bitcoin BEP2)
    • $65687.54: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Wrapped Bitcoin on the Binance Smart Chain. Because why settle for the OG Bitcoin when you can have a knock-off version? It’s like buying a Rolex from a guy on the street. You know it’s not the real deal, but hey, maybe you can impress some other suckers.
  • WHBAR (Wrapped HBAR)
    • $0.08: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Oh look, it’s HBAR’s even less cool cousin. Wrapped HBAR - because nothing says “I believe in this project” like adding an extra layer of complexity no one asked for. They are both going down, down, down in a burning ring of fire.
  • CRO (Cronos)
    • $0.09: ⭐
    • Remember that time you thought Cronos was going to the moon? Yeah, good times. This coin is about as relevant as a payphone in 2024. I’d rather be holding that WallStreetBets guy’s Boeing stock - at least that’s guaranteed to take me somewhere.

Speaking of risky plays, one brave soul on WallStreetBets is already planning for the worst. Seems like Boeing’s having another ‘security issue’ - our boy’s stuck on a grounded 737 Max and already writing his will. He’s asking how to short the stock from 30,000 feet, hoping his family can at least inherit some tendies. Now that’s commitment! Makes you wonder if these low-cap coins are any riskier…

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 1 70.5M 506 BUSD BUSD
1 1 495M 126 TUSD TrueUSD
2 +1% 81% 79.2 1.18B 74 QNT Quant
3 2.29 2.29B 49 LDO Lido DAO
4 +3% 93% 0.03 2.35B 44 VET VeChain
5 +1% 92% 2450.8 2.46B 41 MKR Maker
6 +3% 7.04 2.75B 32 ATOM Cosmos
7 +1% 0.1 2.85B 37 CRO Cronos
8 168.51 3.11B 29 XMR Monero
9 65687.5 3.97B 209 BTCB Bitcoin BEP2
10 +3% 0.08 4.18B 820 WHBAR Wrapped HBAR
11 +4% 71% 0.08 4.18B 30 HBAR Hedera
12 +4% 8.59 4.47B 24 ICP Internet Computer
13 +2% 58% 0.09 4.74B 31 XLM Stellar
14 +3% 70% 24.49 5.16B 25 ETC Ethereum Classic
15 +2% 52% 0.84 5.23B 33 MNT Mantle
16 1 5.35B 21 DAI Dai
17 5.71 5.62B 22 LEO UNUS SED LEO
18 +3% 0.59 5.9B 19 MATIC Polygon
19 88% 74.27 6.24B 20 LTC Litecoin
20 +8% 5.4 6.47B 18 NEAR NEAR Protocol
21 93% 395.65 8.31B 16 BCH Bitcoin Cash
22 +1% 7.08 7.81B 27 APT Aptos
23 +3% 0.84 8.39B 34 ARB Arbitrum
24 +2% 26% 1.96 8.41B 45 OP Optimism
25 5.9 8.48B 15 DOT Polkadot
26 +2% 4.54 8.9B 36 FIL Filecoin
27 -2% 10.02 10B 17 UNI Uniswap
28 65769.5 10.1B 205 WBTC Wrapped Bitcoin

So, there you have it, folks: the underbelly of the crypto casino. If you’re feeling brave, maybe throw a few bucks at these coins (after you’ve maxed out your savings account on Nvidia calls, of course). Or, you know, you could just invest in a nice, sensible index fund. But where’s the fun in that?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy