Featured image of post 2024-06-20  Crypto Carnage: 10M Market Cap Bloodbath

2024-06-20 Crypto Carnage: 10M Market Cap Bloodbath

Crypto looking like that one friend who swore this was their year, but instead, they're just...well, see for yourself.

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • SONM? More like ‘So Numb’ from this 63% 7-day drop. Someone check their pulse - this one might be down for the count. Even my grandma’s dial-up modem could handle that 24h change. Maybe someone should tell them about Nvidia?
  • WTC (Waltonchain)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Waltonchain trying to chain themselves to something - ANYTHING - to stop this slide. Down 62% over the week? Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. At least they’re not SNM…yet.
  • BeAI (BeNFT Solutions)
    • $0.06: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • BeAI… Be very afraid. Look, I’m not saying NFTs are dead, but this ain’t exactly a pulse. Still, a 44% drop in 24 hours? Someone’s panic-selling, and it ain’t me.
  • MULTI (Multichain)
    • $0.17: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Multichain holding on like a champ compared to the others. Only a 34% dip over the week? They must be doing SOMETHING right. Or maybe everyone else is just doing it wrong.
  • LYXe (LUKSO [Old])
    • $2.11: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • LUKSO [Old]? Honey, the whole market’s feeling old after this week! Jokes aside, down 10% for the week isn’t tragic in this landscape. Maybe ‘Old’ is the new ‘Stable’?

Remember that guy on Reddit who bragged about his $134,903 Nvidia gain? Turns out, even Silicon Valley successes can’t save us from the crypto bloodbath. Our 10M market cap contenders are looking like they went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson - bruised, battered, and begging for mercy.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -59% 0 120K 2364 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
1 -56% 89% 0 326K 2177 WTC Waltonchain
2 -44% 19% 0.06 454K 2405 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
3 -21% 14% 0.17 16.9M 1588 MULTI Multichain
4 -16% 0.01 2.79M 1638 VTS Veritise
5 -12% 0.01 16.9M 932 COVAL Circuits of Value
6 -12% 90% 2.06 11.3M 1103 POOLX Poolz Finance
7 -10% 0.05 52M 868 AVINOC AVINOC
8 -10% 0 19.4M 1334 NEST NEST Protocol
9 -9% 0.01 758K 1927 DREP Drep [new]
10 -9% 0.34 98M 418 BAKE BakeryToken
11 -8% 0 8.88M 1536 GXA GALAXIA
12 -8% 53% 0 2.01M 1832 SSG SOMESING
13 -7% 0 70.2M 506 SNEK Snek
14 -7% 100% 0 4.22M 1419 TABOO TABOO TOKEN
15 -7% 85% 0 49.5M 634 ETN Electroneum
16 -7% 98% 0.03 1.52B 57 JASMY JasmyCoin
17 -6% 2.11 211M 4355 LYXe LUKSO [Old]
18 -6% 0.18 25.5M 850 TOMI tomi
19 -6% 30% 0.15 15.3M 1394 HSF Hillstone Finance
20 -6% 47% 0.16 157M 482 AURORA Aurora
21 -6% 82% 0.06 28.4M 809 MOC Moss Coin
22 -5% 100% 24.46 17.4M 915 TIME Chrono.tech
23 -5% 0.63 725M 130 AXL Axelar
24 -5% 100% 0.06 27.8M 770 UTK xMoney
25 -5% 0.1 19.3M 1038 MLT MILC Platform
26 -5% 0 42.7M 631 FUN FUNToken
27 -5% 0.01 17.6M 1093 OPEN Open Custody Protocol
28 -5% 0.18 175M 289 BORG SwissBorg

Well, there you have it, folks. The crypto market is currently serving up a delightful cocktail of fear and uncertainty, garnished with a twist of existential dread. Buckle up, buttercups - it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. And remember, always double-check the price before you hit ‘buy’ - wouldn’t want to end up like our friend on Reddit lamenting over his measly half-a-mil Nvidia gain!

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy