Featured image of post 2024-06-21  Baby Cryptos  Are Shittin Their Diapers

2024-06-21 Baby Cryptos Are Shittin Their Diapers

Nvidia's going supersonic🚀, but these baby cryptos are still figuring out how to crawl. Grab your microscope, we're diving into the world of micro-cap mayhem! 🔬

  • ARKM (Arkham)
    • $1.79: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Arkham - Sounds like a Batman villain, but this one’s fighting off obscurity, not the Dark Knight. A decent 24h volume though, maybe it’s learning to fly.🦇
  • UNIBOT (UniBot)
    • $9.02: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • UniBot - This one sounds like a rejected Transformer, but at least it’s not named after a dog. Down 8% though, better transform into something more appealing.🤖
    • $39.87: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • ORDI - Holding steady in a sea of red. Is this the boring, reliable adult of the group? 👵👴 Where’s the volatility? We came for a rollercoaster, not a rocking chair.
  • CORE (Core)
    • $1.42: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • CORE - Up 7%? Someone must have spiked the baby formula with Red Bull. Keep an eye on this one, could be heading for a sugar crash. 🍼
  • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20))
    • $0.11: ⭐⭐
    • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)) - With a name like that, it’s amazing it even made it to the market. Someone lost a naming bet. Down 10%, this one’s about as magical as a soggy cardboard box. 🧙‍♂️

So, Nvidia’s market cap just casually surpassed the entire German stock market. Germany! Meanwhile, these baby cryptos over here are battling it out for a slice of…well, let’s just say their dreams are bigger than their market caps.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -1% 20% 1.79 1.79B 154 ARKM Arkham
1 -3% 0.09 9.93M 1044 BRICK r/FortNiteBR Bricks
2 -8% 100% 9.02 9.02M 1087 UNIBOT UniBot
3 -11% 50% 0.59 59M 698 STT Statter Network
4 -5% 36% 0.51 506M 255 NTRN Neutron
5 +2% 63% 0 20M 955 BAD Bad Idea AI
6 -11% 0 64.5M 489 SNEK Snek
7 -10% 99% 0.11 113M 343 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
8 100% 39.87 837M 84 ORDI ORDI
9 -6% 82% 0 129M 363 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
10 19% 0.06 454K 2285 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
11 -1% 3652.61 3.27B 9983 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
12 -5% 29% 0.6 595M 259 EDU Open Campus
13 -9% 0 62.2M 511 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
14 +30% 0 1.6M 1665 PLAY Play Token
15 +8% 0.21 638M 268 AGI Delysium
16 -1% 0.01 130M 352 SDEX SmarDex
17 -9% 0.13 128M 938 UNS UNS TOKEN
18 90% 0.08 68.9M 491 NXRA Nexera
19 -2% 0.2 19.6M 831 OPTI Optimus AI
20 -6% 90% 1.44 144M 309 ATOR ATOR Protocol
21 -3% 4% 0.01 88M 1353 HVH HAVAH
22 -1% 77% 0.01 13.8M 1009 IMGNAI Image Generation AI
23 +7% 42% 1.42 2.98B 62 CORE Core
24 -8% 24% 0.01 136M 670 GFAL Games for a Living
25 +3% 10% 0 70.9M 1159 NEXA Nexa
26 -2% 86% 0.24 243M 235 0x0 0x0.ai
27 -15% 0.16 22.8M 810 TOMI tomi
28 0.02 2.1M 1545 GRV Grove Coin

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy