Featured image of post 2024-06-21  Crypto-Carnage or Buffet Bonanza? 10M FDMC Deep Dive

2024-06-21 Crypto-Carnage or Buffet Bonanza? 10M FDMC Deep Dive

Buckle up, buttercup, it's about to get bumpy. We're diving headfirst into the crypto mosh pit, specifically the fully diluted market cap under 10M. Expect the unexpected (and a whole lot of snark).

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Someone left the oven on… because this little fella is up 138% in the last 24 hours. Time to ride the wave or get washed up with the other suckers who FOMO’d in too late? You decide.
  • BeAI (BeNFT Solutions)
    • $0.06: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Down 44%? Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Looks like BeAI just got ‘Be-slapped’ by the market. Maybe AI isn’t the golden ticket everyone thought it was… or maybe this is just a dip before the rip? Only time will tell.
  • RGT (Rari Governance Token)
    • $0.29: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Rari? More like ‘Rarely’ makes a move. This governance token is about as exciting as watching paint dry. But hey, at least it’s not in the red… for now.
  • VAI (Vai)
    • $1.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Ah, stablecoins - the boring uncle of the crypto family reunion. Vai’s holding steady at $1, proving that excitement is inversely proportional to stability in this market.
  • NMC (Namecoin)
    • $0.41: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Remember Namecoin? No? That’s probably because it’s been stuck in crypto purgatory since 2011. Still, it’s not dead yet! Just like that Nokia phone in your drawer, it refuses to die.

Remember that Reddit post about the 25-year-old who turned $170k into $1 million with NVDA? Yeah, this ain’t that. Today, we’re swimming with the guppies of the crypto world, those with a fully diluted market cap under 10 million. Will we find the next Nvidia or another tale for r/wallstreetbets loss porn? Let’s dig in.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +1% 0.05 0 4339 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 -2% 3% 0.03 773M 752 EXRD e-Radix
2 +138% 0 271K 2073 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
3 0 364K 2013 RFR Refereum
4 79% 0 465K 2006 DAWN Dawn Protocol
5 -44% 19% 0.06 454K 2281 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
6 +137% 89% 0.01 774K 1841 WTC Waltonchain
7 +10% 99% 0 792K 1808 MARO Maro
8 +11% 0.01 836K 1788 DREP Drep [new]
9 +2% 58% 0 965K 1887 LYRA Lyra
10 -18% 0 1.57M 1675 PLAY Play Token
11 -1% 0.02 2.08M 1547 GRV Grove Coin
12 +5% 53% 0 2.13M 1718 SSG SOMESING
13 -3% 0.01 2.71M 1548 VTS Veritise
14 +2% 77% 0 3.59M 1466 BWO Battle World
15 -3% 0.29 3.6M 1389 RGT Rari Governance Token
16 69% 0 5.21M 1386 TAMA Tamadoge
17 -9% 0 3.91M 1363 REV Revain
18 76% 0 4.19M 1422 XWC WhiteCoin
19 100% 0 4.19M 1337 TABOO TABOO TOKEN
20 56% 1 8.46M 1295 VAI Vai
21 97% 0.05 5.41M 1272 WAIT Hourglass
22 -4% 0 5.92M 1704 THN Throne
23 -2% 0.18 5.94M 1403 DUST Dust Protocol
24 +5% 65% 0.01 6.34M 1341 ORC Orbit Chain
25 0.41 6.09M 1233 NMC Namecoin
26 1.07 6.34M 1207 CEUR Celo Euro
27 +9% 49% 0 6.79M 1409 STRM StreamCoin
28 0.01 6.93M 1183 EQUAD QuadrantProtocol

Well, folks, there you have it. The wild, wacky, and sometimes utterly perplexing world of low-cap cryptos. Is it a gold mine or a minefield? Honestly, who knows. But one thing’s for sure: it’s never boring. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find a therapist who specializes in crypto-induced whiplash.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy