Featured image of post 2024-09-23  Crypto Market:  Where Lambo? More Like  Weeping Wallet Edition

2024-09-23 Crypto Market: Where Lambo? More Like Weeping Wallet Edition

Buckle up, buttercups, it's that time again! We're diving headfirst into the crypto mosh pit to analyze the freshest, or should we say, the least disastrous, coins from the fully diluted market cap. Spoiler alert: It's a bloodbath out there.

  • STRAX (Stratis [Old])
    • $0.05: ⭐⭐⭐
    • This coin is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. It’s down bad and even the name sounds like a rejected Transformer.
  • TAMA (Tamadoge)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Remember the Tamagotchi craze? Yeah, this isn’t that. But hey, at least it’s up 6% - even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  • REP (Augur)
    • $0.30: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Holding steady like a drunk dude at a buffet. Could be worse, could be… well, most of the other coins on this list.
  • EXRD (e-Radix)
    • $0.02: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Down 2% and radiating nothing but bad vibes. Maybe they should rename it ‘Exhausted’ Radix.
  • GRV (Grove Coin)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐
    • Another day, another coin with ‘Grove’ in its name. Originality is clearly pushing up daisies in the crypto graveyard.

Apollo might be throwing Intel a multi-billion dollar lifeline (WSB is already planning their victory laps), but let’s be real, some of these coins need divine intervention more than a bailout. We’re talking about projects with market caps so low, they make your grandma’s landline bill look like a king’s ransom.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +6% 0.05 0 3467 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 -2% 3% 0.02 506M 864 EXRD e-Radix
2 19% 0 22.4K 2607 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
3 -27% 0 37.8K 2467 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
4 0 109K 2320 RFR Refereum
5 +1% 79% 0 180K 2271 DAWN Dawn Protocol
6 -30% 0 316K 2135 PLAY Play Token
7 99% 0 480K 1985 MARO Maro
8 +1% 0 493K 1969 DREP Drep [new]
9 89% 0.01 832K 1852 WTC Waltonchain
10 +1% 58% 0 789K 1994 LYRA Lyra
11 +2% 14% 0 1.14M 2247 PTS Petals
12 +3% 0.01 1.31M 1692 GRV Grove Coin
13 +6% 69% 0 2.07M 1650 TAMA Tamadoge
14 -18% 88% 0.01 1.59M 1658 YLD Yield App
15 -4% 87% 0 1.87M 1619 DOCK Dock
16 83% 0 1.72M 1652 BWO Battle World
17 -20% 0 1.79M 6321 ERC20 ERC20
18 0 1.8M 1590 REV Revain
19 97% 0.02 1.92M 1581 WAIT Hourglass
20 0.18 2.21M 1529 RGT Rari Governance Token
21 -2% 0.01 2.44M 1593 VTS Veritise
22 0 2.52M 1964 THN Throne
23 +7% 56% 0 2.56M 1647 EPX Ellipsis
24 -15% 0.04 2.63M 1489 VEGA Vega Protocol
25 -6% 54% 0 2.86M 1627 SSG SOMESING
26 -4% 65% 0 2.9M 1578 RFOX RFOX
27 +4% 79% 0 3.19M 1485 FOR ForTube
28 +1% 0.3 3.26M 1417 REP Augur

So, there you have it, the underbelly of the crypto casino. Remember folks, in the world of crypto, today’s dumpster fire is tomorrow’s… well, probably still a dumpster fire, but you might get a slightly charred marshmallow out of it. Invest at your own risk (and sanity).

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy