Featured image of post 2024-10-03 : Why Youre STILL Poorer Than a Kardashians Hamster  Crypto Edition

2024-10-03 : Why Youre STILL Poorer Than a Kardashians Hamster Crypto Edition

Another day, another dollar... unless you're into these baby cryptos. Buckle up, buttercup, it's about to get bumpy.

  • BONK (Bonk)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • With a name like ‘BONK,’ it’s either going to the moon or crashing harder than my dating life. But hey, a -12% dip? That’s rookie numbers in this wild west. Buy the dip? Maybe. Do your own research (DYOR) or you’ll be bonked by the market.
    • $32.98: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • This ain’t your grandma’s bingo night, folks. ORDI’s holding strong while others are crying in their cold wallets. Is it the next Bitcoin? Probably not. But is it more exciting than watching paint dry? You bet your sweet satoshis it is.
  • ARKM (Arkham)
    • $1.36: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Remember that time you lost your keys and thought it was the end of the world? Yeah, Arkham feels your pain. Down 3%? It happens. This intelligence platform has potential, but for now, it’s stuck in crypto purgatory.
  • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20))
    • $0.13: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Seriously? This is what we’re calling Bitcoin these days? With a name that chaotic, it’s no wonder it’s down 4%. This smells like a rug pull waiting to happen. Invest at your own risk (and sanity).
  • UNIBOT (UniBot)
    • $5.59: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • UniBot, more like Uni-Meh-Bot, am I right? Don’t get me wrong, a 7% drop isn’t pretty, but in the grand scheme of crypto meltdowns, it’s barely a blip. Hold your horses (or should I say, bots?) and see what happens.

Listen, I’m not saying these longshoremen are geniuses… but their plan to shake down the US economy? Kinda makes me want to buy puts on the entire shipping industry. Why? Because when the dust settles, automation’s gonna win. And guess what loves automation? Yep, crypto. So, while those guys are busy comparing gold chains, let’s dive into some coins that might actually make you richer than a sea captain’s parrot.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -3% 22% 1.36 1.36B 161 ARKM Arkham
1 0.07 7.98M 1115 BRICK r/FortNiteBR Bricks
2 -7% 100% 5.59 5.59M 1241 UNIBOT UniBot
3 -1% 50% 0.3 30.4M 872 STT Statter Network
4 -6% 28% 0.39 385M 328 NTRN Neutron
5 -3% 63% 0 8.72M 1245 BAD Bad Idea AI
6 -3% 0 64.3M 481 SNEK Snek
7 -4% 99% 0.13 129M 294 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
8 -4% 100% 32.98 693M 92 ORDI ORDI
9 -3% 82% 0 66.1M 514 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
10 19% 0 20.3K 2647 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
11 -3% 2512.09 3.58B 9695 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
12 -5% 32% 0.53 532M 246 EDU Open Campus
13 -5% 0 65.1M 497 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
14 +8% 0 414K 2093 PLAY Play Token
15 -3% 0.17 502M 265 AGI Delysium
16 -2% 0.01 80.6M 447 SDEX SmarDex
17 -5% 0.14 144M 874 UNS UNS TOKEN
18 -5% 0.03 28M 712 NXRA Nexera
19 0.06 5.66M 1255 OPTI Optimus AI
20 +1% 4% 0.01 53.6M 1513 HVH HAVAH
21 -8% 77% 0.01 5.1M 1349 IMGNAI imgnAI
22 -4% 43% 0.9 1.88B 79 CORE Core
23 -2% 30% 0.02 180M 508 GFAL Games for a Living
24 -2% 0 14.7M 917 NEXA Nexa
25 -2% 86% 0.15 145M 299 0x0 0x0.ai
26 +4% 0.04 22.6M 1179 TOMI tomi
27 -4% 0.01 1.15M 1752 GRV Grove Coin
28 -12% 0 2.08B 50 BONK Bonk

So, there you have it, folks. The crypto market: where dreams go to die, and memes become million-dollar ideas (sometimes). Is it a bubble? Who cares! Just remember, don’t invest more than you can afford to lose (like your dignity after a weekend bender). Stay tuned for more market mayhem, coming soon to a blockchain near you.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy