Featured image of post 2024-10-07  The Crypto Toilet Bowl: Fully Diluted Market Cap Edition

2024-10-07 The Crypto Toilet Bowl: Fully Diluted Market Cap Edition

Buckle up, buttercup! We're diving into the dank depths of the crypto market, where dreams go to die and fully diluted market caps make you question your life choices.

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • With a 151% pump today, someone forgot to flush this turd before it started sprouting legs and running. Don’t chase pumps, kids. Unless it’s free money, then pump away.
  • EXRD (e-Radix)
    • $0.02: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Holding relatively steady in this sea of red, e-Radix is like that one sock that never gets lost in the dryer. Still doesn’t mean you want to wear it.
  • TAMA (Tamadoge)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Remember Tamagotchis? This ain’t that. But hey, at least the name is kind of catchy. Maybe they’ll launch a Tamagotchi-themed NFT collection.
  • REP (Augur)
    • $0.29: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Augur, you’re looking like the least pathetic horse in the glue factory right now. Hold your head high…or don’t, nobody really cares.

Speaking of questionable choices, our Reddit brethren seem to be making some interesting plays. One brave soul turned a 10k profit on RKLB after forgetting about their brokerage account for a year. Talk about a long-term investing strategy, or maybe just a severe case of amnesia! Either way, it seems like some of these low-cap cryptos could use a touch of that ‘set it and forget it’ magic.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 0.05 0 3917 STRAX Stratis [Old]
1 3% 0.02 401M 966 EXRD e-Radix
2 19% 0 20.3K 2655 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
3 +151% 0 69.3K 2438 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
4 +2% 79% 0 182K 2298 DAWN Dawn Protocol
5 +4% 0 158K 2283 RFR Refereum
6 -5% 0 354K 2143 PLAY Play Token
7 99% 0 473K 2012 MARO Maro
8 88% 0 526K 2015 YLD Yield App
9 +6% 0.01 616K 1938 DREP Drep [new]
10 +1% 89% 0.01 740K 1912 WTC Waltonchain
11 +7% 0.01 773K 1884 VEGA Vega Protocol
12 -3% 14% 0 910K 2324 PTS Petals
13 +2% 58% 0 977K 1951 LYRA Lyra
14 +1% 0.01 1.2M 1754 GRV Grove Coin
15 69% 0 1.82M 1724 TAMA Tamadoge
16 0 1.46M 1686 REV Revain
17 97% 0.02 1.51M 1681 WAIT Hourglass
18 +11% 87% 0 1.94M 1632 DOCK Dock
19 +3% 83% 0 1.87M 1665 BWO Battle World
20 +3% 57% 0 1.87M 1770 EPX Ellipsis
21 -2% 0.15 1.89M 1595 RGT Rari Governance Token
22 +4% 59% 0 4.19M 1522 QOM Shiba Predator
23 -5% 0 2.59M 1981 THN Throne
24 +7% 0.01 2.61M 1588 VTS Veritise
25 -8% 54% 0 2.68M 1690 SSG SOMESING
26 79% 0 3.06M 1532 FOR ForTube
27 +3% 65% 0 3.06M 1581 RFOX RFOX
28 -1% 0.29 3.14M 1449 REP Augur

The crypto market is a cruel mistress, full of broken promises and shattered dreams. But hey, at least we have memes. And maybe one day, just maybe, one of these coins will actually make us rich. Until then, keep your diamond hands strong and your sense of humor stronger.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy