Featured image of post 2024-10-21 Crypto Carnage 10M Bloodbath

2024-10-21 Crypto Carnage 10M Bloodbath

Another day, another crypto massacre. Buckle up, buttercup, because things are about to get ugly.

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Down 92%? Oof, someone just discovered fire. This one’s about as appealing as a week-old burrito right now. You seeing this, Reddit? I thought so.
  • PLAY (Play Token)
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • Play Token? More like Pain Token! Down 59%? Someone hit the ‘game over’ button on this one. Sell, sell, sell!
  • KAI (KardiaChain)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • KardiaChain trying to stay alive with a 0% 7-day change. It’s like watching a hamster on a wheel – lots of effort, going nowhere fast.

Market’s taken a dip, folks! Remember all those Reddit gurus saying ‘buy the dip?’ Yeah, well, they’re awfully quiet today. It’s like watching a flock of pigeons scatter when someone sneezes – pure panic.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -92% 0 32.1K 2542 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
1 -83% 88% 0 600K 2020 YLD Yield App
2 -59% 0 49.9K 2525 PLAY Play Token
3 -57% 95% 0 10.2M 1082 KAI KardiaChain
4 -17% 0.05 11.9M 1005 NOIA Synternet
5 -15% 57% 0 5.57M 1479 EPX Ellipsis
6 -10% 55% 1.13 225M 324 DIA DIA
7 -8% 31% 0.01 125M 627 GFAL Games for a Living
8 -8% 96% 0.17 26.2M 768 ADX AdEx
9 -7% 54% 0 6.68M 1425 FRA Fractal Network
10 -7% 0 172K 2297 RFR Refereum
11 -6% 0.04 53.5M 555 ASM Assemble AI
12 -5% 0.26 129M 515 ALEPH Aleph.im
13 -6% 6.87 34.4M 708 OG OG Fan Token
14 -6% 0.37 17.6M 1021 MTRG Meter Governance
15 -5% 0.42 421M 231 TRIBE Tribe
16 -5% 57% 0.86 171M 379 LON Tokenlon Network Token
17 -5% 62% 0.27 28M 875 MONA MonaCoin
18 -5% 0.58 58.1M 817 SLND Save
19 -5% 79% 1.59 15.9M 986 BOND BarnBridge
20 -4% 87% 0.26 5.41M 1336 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
21 -4% 14% 0 790K 2381 PTS Petals
22 -4% 0 12M 1400 GXA GALAXIA
23 -4% 79% 2.5 12M 1088 MCB MUX Protocol
24 -4% 0 38.6M 660 QUACK RichQUACK.com
25 -3% 0.61 113M 344 ARK Ark
26 -3% 0 47.6M 589 REEF Reef
27 -4% 87% 0.39 43M 644 DNX Dynex
28 -4% 0.01 6.12M 1250 TSUKA Dejitaru Tsuka

Well, there you have it – the crypto market, serving up disappointment faster than a McDonald’s ice cream machine on a hot day. Moral of the story? Don’t quit your day job just yet. And maybe lay off the Reddit investment advice.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy