The ‘cooler’ CPI is a deceptive bulltrap, masking deeper economic woes and mirroring past financial crises like 2008 and Enron. The average person is set to lose while the wealthy profit.
CPI numbers cooler than expected? Don’t celebrate yet. This market’s like a casino rigged against the average Joe. Remember 2008? Subprime mortgages, bundled and sold as ‘safe’ investments? Same story, different wrapping.‣ CPI (Consumer Price Index): Tracks the average price change of a basket of consumer goods and services.
This ‘good news’ is a bulltrap.‣ Bulltrap: A false signal of a rising market, tricking investors into buying before prices fall again. It preys on hope. People want lower inflation. They want to believe the Fed’s got this. But the data’s a mirage—a carefully curated snapshot ignoring the real pain. Home prices? Still sky-high. Gas? Draining wallets. Eggs? Forget about it.
Look closer. Tariffs haven’t even fully hit yet.‣ Tariff: A tax on imported goods. That’s a ticking time bomb. This whole charade reminds me of Enron cooking the books.‣ Enron Scandal: Massive accounting fraud that led to the company’s collapse. Eventually, the house of cards collapses. And guess who gets buried? Not the fat cats. It’s the folks betting on a rigged game.
Don’t trust headlines. Dig deeper. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. History repeats itself, especially in the financial world.