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Crypto Rollercoaster: A Newbies Welcome

New to crypto and already panicking over price drops? Welcome to the casino House always wins eventually Consider this your tuition in the school of hard knocks


A crypto newbie is shocked by market volatility, prompting cynical amusement from experienced traders. This highlights crypto’s inherent gamble and the fleeting nature of speculative gains.


I am literally shaking from all this winning: A tale as old as markets themselves.

Someone new to cryptocurrency is shocked by its volatility, likely having bought high and now seen the price drop. This triggers seasoned crypto traders to chime in with variations of “Welcome to the club, kid.” Their amusement stems from the newcomer’s naive surprise at a highly volatile market fluctuating.

This isn’t a scam, but a harsh lesson in market realities. Like a casino, crypto’s value hinges on speculative bets, not underlying assets. One minute you’re up, the next you’re down. The “winning” screenshot is ironic—it captures the fleeting nature of crypto gains, often followed by swift losses.

Volatility: How much an asset’s price swings. High volatility means big, rapid changes, both up and down. ‣ Speculative asset: Something bought hoping its price will rise, not for its inherent value (like a company’s earnings). Think baseball cards, or Beanie Babies.

This echoes past bubbles like the 2008 housing crisis. People assumed prices would always climb, fueled by hype and easy credit. When the bubble burst, many lost everything. Crypto, lacking regulation and transparency, amplifies these risks.

Red flags? Beware promises of easy riches and communities that mock caution. Remember, today’s “winners” might be tomorrow’s bagholders.


Treat crypto like gambling, not investing. Only risk what you can afford to lose entirely. Don’t fall for hype; do your research.



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by a busy guy