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Gambling Not Investing: 0DTE Options

Dude turned 10k into 400k trading 0DTE options Cool story bro Waiting for the inevitable lost it all update Dont be that guy WallStreetBets OptionsTrading


A Redditor turned $10k into $400k in days trading risky 0DTE SPY options. This sounds like a win, but it’s likely a temporary illusion—high risk, high probability of implosion.


John’s story starts like a gambler’s dream—$10,000 explodes into $400,000 in days trading 0DTE (zero days-to-expiry) SPY options. Sounds too good to be true? It probably is. Let’s unpack why.

John’s betting on short-term price swings in the S&P 500 (SPY). Imagine trying to predict which way a feather will blow—that’s 0DTE trading. These bets expire that day, magnifying gains or losses. John got lucky, but it’s a house of cards.

0DTE Options: Contracts betting on an asset’s price within 24 hours.SPY: Tracks S&P 500, representing top 500 US companies.

This euphoria resembles past bubbles. Remember 2008? Or the dot-com crash? Easy money attracts hordes, creating unsustainable hype. The problem? Markets correct. Like gravity, what goes up must come down, and John’s perched on a cliff.

John’s “success” story is a snapshot, not the whole movie. There’s no discussion of risk, taxes, or the looming crash. It’s a siren song luring beginners to the rocks. He’s gambling, not investing. A single wrong move wipes him out.

Remember: if it looks like magic, there’s a trick. The market’s a casino where the house usually wins. John’s playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. Don’t be John.


Avoid 0DTE options unless you’re comfortable losing everything. Real investing takes time, patience, and diversification.



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by a busy guy