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Musks Tariff Charade

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Musk blames tariffs for Tesla’s woes, but it’s more likely his own doing. He’s playing the victim card while ignoring the larger issues at play, hoping no one notices his questionable leadership.


Elon Musk cries ‘significant tariff impact’ on Tesla. Sounds familiar, right? Like every other excuse in the book. He’s playing the victim card while two-thirds of his sales are outside the US, likely facing retaliatory tariffs.

This isn’t about tariffs; it’s about Musk’s mismanagement. Remember his grand promises? Those haven’t aged well. Now he’s deflecting blame like a pro. He’s trying to manipulate the narrative, hoping we forget his broken promises.

Think of it like the boy who cried wolf. How many times can Musk shift blame before the market stops listening? This reeks of desperation.

Tariff: A tax on imported or exported goods.Retaliatory Tariff: A tariff imposed by one country in response to another country’s tariff.

This whole situation mirrors past crises. Think Enron, think 2008—leaders pointing fingers everywhere but at themselves. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. Don’t fall for the same old song and dance.


Don’t be fooled by corporate crocodile tears. Research before you invest, and remember, past performance is not indicative of future results.



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