Saw your friend get rich off DORA? Theyre probably just the first ones out in a rug pull Remember crypto fortunes can disappear faster than free pizza at a Bitcoin conference Dont be John
Tesla sales in California went electric in the wrong direction Is this the beginning of the end or just another bump in the road? Im betting on bumpier roads ahead Buckle up
Crypto insider trading political endorsements and meme coinswhat could go wrong? Apparently everything Another day another rug pull Dont be surprised when your Trump or Melania token is worth less than a used napkin
WSB meme sums up market realities: Euphoria to despair faster than you can say diamond hands Remember: memes arent a financial plan Historys full of sure things that went bust
400 gains on a stock? Congrats Time to buy a yacht? Or maybe a life raft History teaches us that speculative bubbles pop Dont be the last one holding the bag