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Quantum Gamble: Vibes or Dumb Luck?

Someone turned 23K into 28K overnight betting against a quantum computing company Was it genius or dumb luck? Lets dive into this wild ride Quantum computing is a minefield right now quantum


A Reddit user made a risky bet against a quantum computing company based on “vibes” and got incredibly lucky when the stock price crashed. But remember, gambling isn’t investing.


“Vibes” and “anger” aren’t investment strategies. This Reddit user turned $2,300 into $28,000 overnight by betting against a company called RGTI. Essentially, they bought something called “put options,” which is like betting the company’s stock price will go down. And they were right! The stock plummeted. Why? Because the CEO of a big tech company basically said that the technology RGTI focuses on (quantum computing) is still decades away from being useful. Imagine betting on flying cars becoming mainstream next year, and then a respected expert says, “Nope, not for another 50 years.” That’s what happened here. This Reddit user got lucky, catching a falling knife, so to speak. It’s like seeing a glass about to fall off a table and betting on which direction the shards will scatter. Sure, you might guess right, but it’s not exactly skill. Remember the dot-com bubble? Lots of people got rich quick, but many more lost everything when the hype faded. This situation feels similar. Be cautious, do your research, and don’t let emotions drive your investments.

What are Put Options:

  • Imagine you’re renting a house. A put option is like having the right, but not the obligation, to sell the house at a certain price before a specific date, even if the actual market price goes down. If the price drops below your agreed “sell” price, you can still sell it at the higher, agreed-upon price and make a profit. If the price goes up, you just don’t use your option.

What are Weeklies:

  • Options contracts have expiration dates. “Weeklies” expire at the end of the week, so it’s a very short-term bet.


Don’t try to catch falling knives. It’s dangerous, and more often than not, you’ll get cut. Focus on building a strong financial foundation with proven strategies, not on chasing short-term gambles fueled by emotion.



Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy