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Rivian: Smoke Mirrors and Empty Promises

Rivian promising profits? Sure and Ive got a bridge to sell you Dont fall for the hype PonziDreams NotFinancialAdvice


Rivian’s profit dream smells fishy. Desperate investors clinging to hopium might get burned. Remember Enron.


Rivian’s whispers of profit? Sounds like a siren song. Remember the 2008 subprime crisis? Slick promises masked toxic loans. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. Let’s dissect this.

Rivian burns cash faster than a wildfire. Suddenly, a profit miracle? Color me skeptical. Their ‘plan’ hinges on slashing costs. How? Magic? More likely accounting tricks. Think Enron’s off-book partnerships–‣ Off-book partnerships: Hiding debts to appear profitable. Poof, illusion of profit. Bam, investors fooled.

Look at the Reddit chatter—blind faith mixed with desperation. Some betting their life savings. John, a retired teacher, poured in his nest egg hoping for a quick buck. Now he’s praying for a miracle. This isn’t investing; it’s gambling.

Someone whispers “Joe” at the earnings call? Joe who? Irrelevant. Focus on the fundamentals: massive debt, shrinking demand. Like a house of cards, one bad gust (missed targets, production hiccups) and it all collapses.

Analysts touting “growth potential”? They’re paid to hype, not inform. Remember the dot-com bubble? ‣ Dot-com bubble: Companies with no profits valued at billions. Hype inflates, reality deflates. Same story, different decade.


Due diligence trumps hype. Research before investing. ‘Guaranteed’ profits usually aren’t.



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