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Shitcoins: The New Face of an Old Scam

Saw your friend get rich off DORA? Theyre probably just the first ones out in a rug pull Remember crypto fortunes can disappear faster than free pizza at a Bitcoin conference Dont be John


Shitcoins like $DORA lure investors with promises of quick riches but often collapse, leaving them with nothing. This echoes past financial crises, demonstrating how hype and greed can lead to devastating losses.


John, like many others, chased the crypto dream. He saw his friends doubling, tripling their money overnight with shitcoins like $DORA. It felt like a casino where everyone was winning—except the house always wins eventually.

The image—a crude graph of exponential growth then a cliff—perfectly captures the average shitcoin investor’s journey. Dora, like countless others, promised the moon: passive income, early retirement, riches beyond imagination. But behind the hype, the mechanics mirrored age-old scams.

Shitcoin: A cryptocurrency with no real underlying value, often hyped through social media.

These tokens are built on nothing but thin air and speculation. Like a Ponzi scheme, early investors profit from the influx of new money. The price keeps rising, fueled by FOMO (fear of missing out), creating a self-fulfilling prophecy… until it isn’t.

Ponzi scheme: An investment fraud where existing investors are paid with funds from new investors, creating an illusion of profit.FOMO: Fear of missing out, the psychological driver behind many speculative bubbles.

Then the music stops. The insiders cash out, the price plummets, and John’s retirement savings vanish faster than you can say “rug pull.”

Rug pull: A type of crypto scam where developers abandon a project and take investors’ money.

This isn’t new. Remember the 2008 housing bubble? The dot-com crash? History repeats itself, dressed in new, shiny clothes. The same greed, the same naivety, the same devastating consequences. John’s story is a harsh lesson in the dark side of crypto and the importance of skepticism in a world obsessed with “easy money.”


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do your research, understand the risks, and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. Skepticism is your best friend in the wild west of crypto.



Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy