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SPX 0DTE: Gamblers Paradise or Path to Ruin?

This guy turned 660 into 273k in 5 days trading 0DTE options Impressive? Sure Sustainable? Doubtful Reminds me of that old saying: A fool and his money are soon parted


A trader turned $660 into $273,500 in 5 days trading 0DTE SPX options. While impressive, it’s statistically improbable and unsustainable—more akin to gambling than investing, masking enormous risk under the veneer of quick gains.


From $660 to $273,500 in five days trading SPX options? Sounds like a dream, right? More like a nightmare waiting to happen. Let’s break down why this “success” story is likely a ticking time bomb.

This trader is playing with fire, using ultra-short-dated options (0DTE)¹ on the S&P 500. Imagine betting on whether a coin flip will be heads or tails, but with your entire life savings on the line – that’s 0DTE trading in a nutshell. Each “win” fuels bigger bets, creating a house of cards built on borrowed time. Remember the 2008 crash? Over-leveraged bets triggered a domino effect that wiped out fortunes. This is the same principle, just repackaged with a new name.

What’s missing from the “amazing gains” narrative? The inevitable losses. These screenshots are cherry-picked moments, hiding the countless traders who’ve blown up their accounts using this strategy. It’s like showing a lottery winner but ignoring the millions who bought losing tickets.

The comments reveal the real story: blind faith, envy, and desperation. People begging for tips, calling it a “generational run.” These are the hallmarks of a bubble, not sound investing. Think of the Dutch Tulip Mania or the dot-com bust – irrational exuberance leads to disaster.

‣ ¹0DTE Options: Options contracts that expire on the same day they are bought. Extremely risky due to rapid price swings. ‣ ²SPX (S&P 500): An index tracking the performance of 500 large US companies. ‣ ³Gamma Scalps: A high-risk strategy profiting from short-term price changes. Like playing with dynamite.


Don’t fall for “get-rich-quick” schemes disguised as sophisticated trading strategies. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Learn the fundamentals, manage risk, and don’t gamble with money you can’t afford to lose.



Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy