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Tesla Puts and the Illusion of Market Timing

One Redditor dodged a Tesla-sized bullet by selling puts before the crash Luck not skill Remember Enron? Market timing is a fools game Dont get burned


A Redditor boasted about timing the market, escaping a Tesla stock plunge. This tale highlights the dangers of options trading and market timing—it’s more like gambling than investing.


Imagine playing hot potato with a lit stick of dynamite. Sooner or later, someone gets burned. That’s the Tesla options market in a nutshell.

One Redditor bragged about dodging a bullet, selling Tesla puts right before the stock tanked. Pure luck, not skill. ‣ Put option: A bet that a stock’s price will fall. They made a profit, sure, but it’s like escaping a casino with a few chips while the whole place is about to implode—it doesn’t make you a genius.

Others weren’t so lucky. Holding onto calls (bets that the stock will rise) became a painful lesson in market volatility. ‣ Call option: A bet that a stock’s price will rise. Like the 2008 housing crash, blind faith in a “sure thing” evaporated overnight.

Meanwhile, another commenter boasted about missing out on $100k by selling their puts early. This highlights the dark side of market timing: ‣ Market timing: Trying to predict when to buy or sell assets. It’s a gamble, not an investment strategy. Enron employees who bet their life savings on company stock learned this the hard way.

The Tesla rollercoaster showcases the brutal reality: chasing quick profits can lead to devastating losses. The market is not a game; it’s a force of nature. Treat it with respect—or face the consequences.


Don’t try to time the market. Diversify your investments, understand your risk tolerance, and accept that losses are part of the game. Greed often precedes disaster.



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by a busy guy