The US deficit hit a record high, with no end in sight. Politicians keep spending, the debt keeps piling up, and the average taxpayer gets stuck with the bill.
John’s tax bill just went up, but where did all that money go? The US deficit ballooned past a trillion dollars, a new record, and it’s a story as old as time. Politicians spend like drunken sailors, the bill comes due, and who gets stuck holding the bag? You.
It’s like a leaky faucet you can’t turn off. The government keeps promising to fix it but instead just keeps adding new pipes. More spending, more debt, more burden on the taxpayer. Remember the 2008 crisis? Bailouts, quantitative easing—fancy words for printing money and hoping the problem goes away. It didn’t then, and it won’t now. This is a recipe for disaster, just like the Enron scandal, built on smoke and mirrors, with the average Joe footing the bill.‣ Enron: Energy giant whose fraudulent accounting led to its collapse.
The proposed budget? Adding another $20 trillion in debt over the next decade! That’s like adding gasoline to a fire. They’ll keep kicking the can down the road until there’s no road left. Meanwhile, the ultra-rich keep getting richer, and the rest of us? We’re left picking up the pieces. This isn’t just bad economics—it’s a betrayal of the public trust.‣ Public Trust: The expectation that the government acts in citizens’ best interests.
So, what can you do? Don’t expect miracles. Educate yourself. Understand the mechanics of these scams, because that’s what they are. Remember, a trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money. Your money.
Don’t trust promises of fiscal responsibility. Watch the actual numbers, educate yourself, and prepare for the worst. The government won’t save you.