Trump’s FTC is probing Microsoft, likely as political retaliation rather than genuine antitrust concern. This expensive charade will likely result in little real change, mirroring past corporate scandals where the powerful escape unscathed.
Trump’s FTC launching an antitrust probe into Microsoft? Color me shocked. This reeks of political maneuvering disguised as consumer protection. Remember when Trump hosted tech giants at his inauguration? Satya Nadella’s absence seems to have earned Microsoft a spot on the naughty list.
This isn’t about healthy competition; it’s about power. Trump, with his own AI company, targeting a major competitor? It’s like a fox guarding the henhouse—only the hens are your data and the fox is wearing a poorly fitted “antitrust” suit.‣ Antitrust: Laws preventing monopolies to promote fair competition.
The FTC, likely underfunded and outgunned by Microsoft’s legal team, will drag this out for years. Taxpayer money wasted, headlines grabbed—classic political theatre. This reminds me of the 2008 crisis—blame the big guys, distract from the real issues. Who loses? Us, the public, stuck with rising prices and fewer choices.‣ 2008 Crisis: Triggered by subprime mortgages, leading to a global recession.
Microsoft, for all its faults, at least provides stable products. They’re not exactly setting the world on fire with innovation, but they’re not actively trying to steal your grandma’s identity either. This probe feels like a vendetta, plain and simple. Gates’ support for Harris probably didn’t help matters.‣ Vendetta: A prolonged, bitter feud.
History teaches us that powerful people rarely face consequences. Expect a slap on the wrist, some fines Microsoft will write off as the cost of doing business, and zero actual change. Buckle up, folks—this is just the beginning.
Don’t hold your breath for real change. Powerful players rarely face consequences. Focus on protecting your own data—because no one else will.