Featured image of post 2024-05-24 Bear Cryptos 10M

2024-05-24 Bear Cryptos 10M

Crypto carnage! Bloodbath in the altcoin arena! Okay, maybe not quite, but today's market dip has left some investors clutching their NFTs like emotional support plushies. Let's dissect the wreckage, shall we?

name price rating comment
0 CRE (Carry) 0 3 Carry or be carried? More like ‘carry your losses’ today, am I right? This coin took a nosedive steeper than Elon Musk’s Twitter reputation.
1 VEED (VIMworld) 0 2 VIMworld sounds like a VR hangout for robots contemplating existentialism. With a 29% drop, even robots are questioning their life choices.
2 OAS (Oasys) 0.07 6 Oasys? More like ‘oh-yes-sis!’ This plucky coin is bucking the trend with a 20% gain over the past week. Maybe it’s time to find refuge in this digital oasis.
3 ZERC (zkRace) 0.3 7 zkRace: sounds like a futuristic horse racing game with zero-knowledge proofs. A 60% surge this week? Someone must have insider info on the robotic jockeys.
4 LADYS (Milady Meme Coin) 0 8 Milady Meme Coin: Because who needs fundamentals when you have memes, right? Even with a dip, this coin proves that irony is alive and well in the cryptosphere.

While specific crypto news for these obscure coins is harder to find than a stablecoin in a bear market, the overall sentiment in traditional finance seems to echo the crypto dip. Reddit’s r/wallstreetbets is ablaze with tales of YOLO bets gone wrong, with one user lamenting, “My portfolio is redder than a baboon’s backside after a chili cook-off.” Perhaps the crypto market is simply mirroring the anxieties of the real world?

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -45% 0 36M 730 CRE Carry
1 -29% 5% 0 22.7M 1772 VEED VIMworld
2 -16% 22% 0.07 724M 345 OAS Oasys
3 -15% 89% 0 467K 2060 WTC Waltonchain
4 -13% 100% 0.3 35.6M 738 ZERC zkRace
5 -13% 0.05 55.1M 641 MDX Mdex
6 -12% 0.09 64.8M 967 BBF Bubblefong
7 -11% 57% 0.32 10.6M 1333 DUST Dust Protocol
8 -11% 0 40.7M 1041 BIDR BIDR
9 -11% 0 7.21M 1736 THN Throne
10 -10% 0 804K 1944 PLAY Play Token
11 -10% 0.4 5.97M 1342 NMC Namecoin
12 -10% 53% 0 2.76M 1725 SSG SOMESING
13 -10% 0.02 14.8M 1246 PRE Presearch
14 -10% 0.02 4.93M 1481 VTS Veritise
15 -10% 51% 0 25.2M 1076 RXD Radiant
16 -9% 88% 0.08 24.2M 899 YLD Yield App
17 -9% 28% 0.09 87.8M 837 AXEL AXEL
18 -9% 86% 0.32 319M 259 0x0 0x0.ai
19 -9% 90% 1.28 128M 424 FRONT Frontier
20 -8% 52% 0.01 5.04M 1569 WOZX Efforce
21 -8% 100% 38.18 802M 100 ORDI ORDI
22 -8% 33% 0.27 134M 668 LOKA League of Kingdoms Arena
23 -8% 14% 0.36 35.8M 1379 MULTI Multichain
24 -8% 0.01 110M 1130 NVIR NvirWorld
25 -8% 3.53 244M 458 EWT Energy Web Token
26 -7% 60% 0.13 132M 529 ALEX ALEX Lab
27 -7% 82% 0 169M 382 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
28 -7% 48% 1.03 1.03B 137 SUPER SuperVerse

The crypto market is a fickle mistress, capable of inducing both euphoria and despair with equal ease. Today’s dip, however, feels more like a gentle reminder that what goes up must eventually come down, like the price of Dogecoin after Elon Musk’s latest tweet. Or maybe it’s all just a giant game of musical chairs orchestrated by whales with diamond hands. Either way, stay tuned, folks. The show’s far from over.

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by a busy guy