Featured image of post 2024-05-29  Crypto Carnage: Your Portfolio on Suicide Watch?

2024-05-29 Crypto Carnage: Your Portfolio on Suicide Watch?

Buckle up buttercup, the crypto market's having a meltdown, and your portfolio's looking like it just lost a staring contest with Medusa.

  • CEL (Celsius)
    • $1.35: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Celsius is up 143% this week? Either they’re cooking the books harder than a Waffle House chef on a Saturday night, or someone’s about to get REKT.
  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • SONM took a 69% nosedive in the last 24 hours. Coincidence? I think not. This is crypto carnage at its finest.
  • RKN (Rakon)
    • $0.08: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Rakon’s down 26% like a lead balloon filled with mayonnaise. Someone’s been hitting the sell button harder than a toddler with a sugar rush.
  • CRE (Carry)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Carry is down 20%, Did someone replace their blockchain with a potato? Get this coin a therapist and a stiff drink.

Remember those casino whispers about Nvidia (NVDA) being the next big thing? Yeah, those whispers are echoing through the crypto-sphere, except instead of a 10:1 split, it feels more like a 10:1 beatdown. Semler Scientific’s decision to embrace Bitcoin as its primary reserve asset is like watching your weird uncle bet his life savings on a horse race in Tijuana – brave, or utterly bonkers?

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -69% 0 127K 2360 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
1 -26% 84% 0.08 23.3M 946 RKN Rakon
2 -20% 0 20M 942 CRE Carry
3 -19% 65% 0 9.94M 1345 RFOX RFOX
4 -15% 0 814K 1988 PLAY Play Token
5 -13% 100% 0.29 35.2M 759 ZERC zkRace
6 -11% 0.09 85.5M 539 POLY Polymath
7 -10% 64% 0.25 26.1M 997 QRL Quantum Resistant Ledger
8 -10% 82% 0.46 45.7M 744 SDAO SingularityDAO
9 -9% 0.02 15.6M 1035 TSUKA Dejitaru Tsuka
10 -9% 0.23 44.2M 694 ARRR Pirate Chain
11 -9% 87% 2.44 10.7M 1209 DMD Diamond
12 -8% 0.11 13.3M 1498 FUND Unification
13 -8% 14% 0.04 180M 850 WRLD NFT Worlds
14 -7% 0.05 42.7M 712 STRX StrikeX
15 -7% 6.45 1.67B 89 PENDLE Pendle
16 -7% 100% 0 46.2M 679 KIN Kin
17 -6% 0.02 23.4M 889 GFT Gifto
18 -6% 0 13M 1109 EGG Nestree
19 -6% 88% 0.07 21.6M 955 YLD Yield App
20 -6% 15% 0.01 28.5M 1446 AGLA Angola
21 -5% 4% 0.02 163M 1303 HVH HAVAH
22 -5% 7% 0 107M 1250 BITCI Bitcicoin
23 -5% 64% 0 20M 1102 CULT Cult DAO
24 -4% 100% 1.35 51M 651 CEL Celsius
25 -4% 22% 0.02 167M 745 GFAL Games for a Living
26 -4% 0.16 12.5M 1114 FSN Fusion
27 -4% 58% 0.18 175M 474 GOG Guild of Guardians
28 -4% 79% 6 28.8M 890 MCB MUX Protocol

The crypto market’s current state? About as predictable as a soap opera plotline. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, it finds a new way to surprise you (and not in a good way). In the immortal words of every seasoned trader ever: Don’t invest more than you can afford to flush down a digital toilet.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy