Featured image of post 2024-05-31  Crypto Market: Bloodbath  Bonks

2024-05-31 Crypto Market: Bloodbath Bonks

Crypto land is a dumpster fire today, folks! Even my grandma's retirement portfolio is performing better than this. Buckle up, buttercup, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  • BONK (Bonk)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Down 8%? More like down for the count. This ain’t the kind of bonk we were hoping for. Time to fire up the money printer?
  • SAMO (Samoyedcoin)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • The only good dog in the fight today. Up 52% this week? Someone’s been a good boy! Fetch me those profits!
  • DG (Decentral Games)
    • $0.02: ⭐⭐
    • More like Centralized Losses, amirite? Down 23%? This game is rigged.
  • BITCOIN (HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20))
    • $0.17: ⭐
    • With a name like that, it’s destined to be a shitcoin. Down 9% today. Shocker.
  • CEL (Celsius)
    • $1.19: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Up 120% for the week? Is this a dead cat bounce or the comeback of the century? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! Just don’t bet your life savings.

Trump’s going down, but crypto’s already six feet under! This market’s redder than Trump after a Twitter rant. Speaking of going down…our beloved Bonk (BONK) is down 8% today. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe those ‘big tiddie goth girls’ ChatGPT can’t draw have something to do with it.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -23% 0.02 18.6M 1261 DG Decentral Games
1 -15% 50% 0.69 69.2M 749 STT Statter Network
2 -15% 77% 0.01 63.6M 656 SAMO Samoyedcoin
3 -15% 14% 0.24 23.9M 1516 MULTI Multichain
4 -14% 0.9 121M 424 CTK Shentu
5 -14% 78% 0.19 269M 298 TRU TrueFi
6 -13% 0 54.3M 640 KISHU Kishu Inu
7 -13% 77% 2.72 174M 394 PHB Phoenix
8 -11% 15% 0.01 24.8M 1473 AGLA Angola
9 -10% 0.37 4.56M 1435 RGT Rari Governance Token
10 -10% 111.36 62.2M 582 DPI DeFi Pulse Index
11 -9% 0 38.8M 813 CCD Concordium
12 -9% 99% 0.17 171M 337 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
13 -9% 95% 0.32 31.8M 785 OPTI Optimus AI
14 -9% 0.28 131M 402 STEEM Steem
15 -9% 0 97.8M 506 AIDOGE ArbDoge AI
16 -8% 0 3.17B 51 BONK Bonk
17 -8% 0.17 170M 576 UOS Ultra
18 -8% 18% 6.64 199M 737 SANTOS Santos FC Fan Token
19 -8% 100% 0 8.23M 1241 TABOO TABOO TOKEN
20 -8% 0.07 73.7M 559 POLY Polymath
21 -8% 86% 4.59 45.9M 713 UNFI Unifi Protocol DAO
22 -8% 100% 1.19 44.8M 682 CEL Celsius
23 -8% 0.01 60.3M 811 AMB AirDAO
24 -8% 0.44 28.5M 823 VEGA Vega Protocol
25 -7% 99% 0.08 388M 179 PEOPLE ConstitutionDAO
26 -7% 86% 0.36 7.56M 1334 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
27 -7% 1.89 189M 322 PRO Propy
28 -7% 91% 0 125M 431 LEVER LeverFi

So, there you have it, folks. The crypto market: where dreams go to die and memes become financial instruments. Stay tuned, because if this rollercoaster ride has taught us anything, it’s that the only predictable thing about crypto is its unpredictability. And that, my friends, is the tea.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy