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2024-05-31 Cryptos Bloodbath: 1B Edition

Crypto winter? Nah, this is crypto getting hit by an asteroid. Buckle up, buttercups, it's about to get bumpy.

  • LINK (Chainlink)
    • $17.83: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Chainlink: Still chugging along like a cockroach after a nuclear apocalypse. It’s down 2% in the last 24 hours, but hey, at least it’s not in the red for the week! Maybe there’s hope for humanity after all…or maybe that’s just the copium talking.
  • SHIB (Shiba Inu)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Shiba Inu: Remember when this was supposed to be the Dogecoin killer? Good times. Now it’s down 1% and clinging to life like a toupee in a hurricane. Woof.
  • MATIC (Polygon)
    • $0.69: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Polygon: Holding steady like a stoic poker player, despite the market chaos. It’s down less than 1%, which in this market, practically qualifies as a win. Just don’t ask about its long-term prospects…nobody wants to talk about that right now.
  • DOGE (Dogecoin)
    • $0.16: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Dogecoin: The original meme coin is still kicking, but it’s starting to look a little long in the tooth. It’s down less than 1% today, but let’s be honest, it’s only a matter of time before the hype train finally runs out of steam.

Trump’s going to jail (allegedly), NVDA’s taking a nosedive (again), and the crypto markets are…well, they’re doing about as well as you’d expect. It’s enough to make you want to short everything and move to a deserted island with nothing but a satellite phone and a lifetime supply of ramen noodles. Speaking of deserted islands, remember that time someone paid a small fortune for a digital monkey JPEG? Pepperidge Farm remembers…and so does the crypto market, apparently.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -2% 58% 17.83 17.8B 13 LINK Chainlink
1 -1% 71% 0.1 5.02B 210 WHBAR Wrapped HBAR
2 -1% 5.86 5.78B 23 LEO UNUS SED LEO
3 -1% 8.38 3.28B 30 ATOM Cosmos
4 -1% 11.81 6.13B 22 ICP Internet Computer
5 -1% 83% 0.03 2.95B 47 VET VeChain
6 -1% 0 15.2B 11 SHIB Shiba Inu
7 -1% 7.24 8.63B 17 NEAR NEAR Protocol
8 6.41 32.8B 10 TON Toncoin
9 87% 0.12 3.49B 37 CRO Cronos
10 93% 463.97 9.74B 16 BCH Bitcoin Cash
11 99% 0.69 6.94B 18 MATIC Polygon
12 71% 0.1 5.02B 28 HBAR Hedera
13 6.98 10B 14 DOT Polkadot
14 59% 10.62 10.6B 19 UNI Uniswap
15 79% 0.45 20.2B 9 ADA Cardano
16 54% 35.98 25.8B 12 AVAX Avalanche
17 1 70.5M 556 BUSD BUSD
18 1 32.3B 6 USDC USDC
19 1 500M 143 TUSD TrueUSD
20 1 5.35B 24 DAI Dai
21 1 115B 3 USDT Tether USDt
22 1.13 11.3B 32 ARB Arbitrum
23 591.9 87.4B 4 BNB BNB
24 5.75 11.3B 34 FIL Filecoin
25 58% 0.11 5.31B 36 XLM Stellar
26 0.11 9.75B 205 WTRX Wrapped TRON
27 0.16 23B 8 DOGE Dogecoin
28 55% 0.52 52B 7 XRP XRP

The crypto market is a cruel mistress. One minute you’re up, the next minute you’re down, and then the next minute you’re wondering why you ever thought this was a good idea. But hey, at least it’s entertaining, right? Right? Guys?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy