Featured image of post 2024-06-03  Crypto Bloodbath or Buffet Brunch?

2024-06-03 Crypto Bloodbath or Buffet Brunch?

Buckle up buttercup, the crypto market's gone wilder than a Warren Buffet shopping spree at a T-Bill fire sale. We're diving into the digital dumpster to see who's swimming in green and who's drowning in red.

  • POLY (Polymath)
    • $0.10: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Polymath’s up! Someone must’ve whispered ‘security token’ in a crowded metaverse. Or maybe it’s just riding the coattails of those Nvidia chips everyone’s betting on…
  • ALICE (MyNeighborAlice)
    • $2.37: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • MyNeighborAlice is living its best life, soaring high like Jensen Huang after a product launch. Must be nice to be the popular kid on the blockchain.
  • SLP (Smooth Love Potion)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Smooth Love Potion’s struggling to keep it up. Maybe it needs a dose of that Nvidia magic? Or maybe the love potion’s just wearing off…
  • VERI (Veritaseum)
    • $30.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Veritaseum’s playing the long game – a slow and steady climb. Like watching paint dry, but hey, at least it’s not a T-Bill.
  • ERC20 (ERC20)
    • $0.33: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Even with a name as exciting as a beige wall, ERC20’s managed a decent gain. Proof that even in crypto, boring can be profitable. Sort of.

Remember 50 Cent, the rapper who made millions off Vitamin Water and then forgot to sell his 700 Bitcoins a decade ago? Talk about missed connections! While Fiddy’s busy regretting his life choices, some cryptos are having their time in the sun. Today’s data dump screams volatility, with a sprinkle of ‘hold onto your butts’ for good measure.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +61% 0.1 103M 491 POLY Polymath
1 +48% 52% 0.01 7.55M 1469 WOZX Efforce
2 +46% 67% 2.37 237M 349 ALICE MyNeighborAlice
3 +44% 30 3B 5135 VERI Veritaseum
4 +34% 0.33 4.33B 4838 ERC20 ERC20
5 +32% 0.08 300M 763 APX APX
6 +32% 0.01 218M 295 SLP Smooth Love Potion
7 +30% 80% 0.11 78M 582 PDA PlayDapp
8 +25% 52% 0.28 35.3M 954 KSP KLAYswap Protocol
9 +20% 86% 0.44 9.27M 1261 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
10 +20% 0 8.4M 1713 THN Throne
11 +17% 15% 0.01 29.9M 1420 AGLA Angola
12 +17% 58% 0.27 80.9M 666 VOXEL Voxies
13 +17% 69% 0.21 171M 428 DAR Mines of Dalarnia
14 +16% 0.01 125M 426 DIONE Dione Protocol
15 +15% 2.19 219M 292 PRO Propy
16 +12% 14% 0.32 31.6M 1432 MULTI Multichain
17 +12% 82% 0.51 55.9M 676 DNX Dynex
18 +12% 79% 0.01 640K 2058 DAWN Dawn Protocol
19 +11% 0.07 65.2M 636 IDEX IDEX
20 +11% 33% 0.3 149M 647 LOKA League of Kingdoms Arena
21 +10% 72% 0 144M 464 RACA RACA
22 +10% 1.01 1.01B 135 RBN Ribbon Finance
23 +9% 57% 0.37 206M 431 MBOX MOBOX
24 +9% 0.92 182M 690 XCAD XCAD Network
25 +9% 0.87 771M 116 OM MANTRA
26 +9% 4% 0.43 430M 987 SN SpaceN
27 +9% 65% 0.01 11.5M 1281 RFOX RFOX
28 +9% 21% 0 289M 575 STC SaitaChain Coin

So, is the crypto market a bull or a bear? More like a confused chihuahua chasing its tail. One things for sure – it’s never boring. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to invest in ramen noodles and canned goods. You know, just in case.

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy