Featured image of post 2024-06-03  Crypto Market: Where Lambo Dreams Go to Die

2024-06-03 Crypto Market: Where Lambo Dreams Go to Die

Buckle up, buttercup, because the crypto market is a wild ride, and today's data shows some coins clinging to life while others are riding the struggle bus straight to obscurity.

  • JASMY (JasmyCoin)
    • $0.04: ā­ā­ā­
    • Ah, JasmyCoin, the crypto equivalent of that one sock that always disappears in the dryer - full of potential, but ultimately lost in the void. Maybe it’ll reappear someday, but I wouldn’t bet on it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
  • BONK (Bonk)
    • $0.00: ā­
    • The name says it all, folks. This coin is about as stable as a Jenga tower built by a toddler on a rollercoaster. If you’re feeling lucky, go ahead and buy some. But don’t come crying to me when you get bonked. šŸ¤•
    • $45.57: ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
    • ORDI’s holding its own in this chaotic market, like that one friend who always stays calm during a crisis (probably because they’re secretly causing it). Will it keep up this rebellious act? Time will tell. šŸ”®
  • MSOL (Marinade Staked SOL)
    • $195.47: ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­
    • Marinade Staked SOL is the overachiever of the group - always at the top of the class, even when the teacher is throwing erasers. But let’s be real, in this market, even the smartest kid in class can still trip and fall flat on their face. šŸ¤“

Remember 50 Cent accepting Bitcoin for his album a decade ago? He could’ve been swimming in a Scrooge McDuck vault of digital gold. Instead, he’s probably regretting that decision while someone else sips Mai Tais on a yacht shaped like the Bitcoin logo. Today’s market reminds me of that - a mix of “what could’ve been” and “what the heck is that?”

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 24% 2.11 7.29B 60 FET Fetch.ai
1 +18% 0.33 4.33B 4816 ERC20 ERC20
2 -3% 42% 1.88 3.95B 62 CORE Core
3 3949.04 3.54B 211 WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH
4 -2% 3.02 3.02B 87 RON Ronin
5 -3% 0 2.98B 53 BONK Bonk
6 +1% 26.73 2.67B 4814 VERI Veritaseum
7 -2% 20% 2.51 2.51B 139 ARKM Arkham
8 -5% 2.79 1.87B 3712 MC Merit Circle
9 1% 1.82 1.82B 965 DFG Defigram
10 98% 0.04 1.78B 61 JASMY JasmyCoin
11 8% 1.71 1.71B 377 MRS Metars Genesis
12 0.99 1.62B 639 MCT Metacraft
13 -3% 5.93 1.53B 93 PENDLE Pendle
14 27% 0.73 1.45B 174 ID SPACE ID
15 +1% 0.14 1.4B 1424 CBG Chainbing
16 +1% 57% 13.2 1.31B 108 DEXE DeXe
17 36% 1.33 1.3B 150 WEMIX WEMIX
18 +2% 1.06 1.22B 112 AXL Axelar
19 +2% 1.06 1.06B 181 YGG Yield Guild Games
20 +12% 1.02 1.02B 136 RBN Ribbon Finance
21 +4% 48% 1 1B 147 SUPER SuperVerse
22 -6% 100% 45.57 957M 89 ORDI ORDI
23 -1% 47% 1.7 941M 154 RAY Raydium
24 -1% 195.47 95.5B 223 MSOL Marinade Staked SOL
25 -3% 0.29 875M 291 AGI Delysium
26 -2% 29% 0.87 873M 277 EDU Open Campus
27 0.44 871M 455 MAV Maverick Protocol
28 -4% 50% 0.01 820M 170 RSR Reserve Rights

The crypto market today is like a plate of nachos: a few good chips with all the toppings, but mostly a bunch of broken, soggy disappointments. Will tomorrow bring more cheese and jalapenos? Who knows, but one thing’s for sure - I’m keeping my antacids handy. šŸ’Š

Made with the laziness šŸ¦„
by a busy guy