Featured image of post 2024-06-07  Crypto Bloodbath: Even Milady Cant Save Us Now

2024-06-07 Crypto Bloodbath: Even Milady Cant Save Us Now

Bears are partying like it's 2022, and we're all invited to the pity party. Buckle up, buttercups, it's about to get bumpy.

  • BWO (Battle World)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • The name screams ‘desperate attempt to cash in on the gaming craze.’ Up 79% over the past week though. Hey, at least someone’s winning in this clown fiesta.
  • WTC (Waltonchain)
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • Down 66% in 24 hours. Someone’s getting Waltonchained to their trading desk after that performance.

WallstreetBets is a goldmine for finding the pulse of the market, and let’s just say, it’s not looking pretty. People are throwing around “positions or ban” like confetti at a parade, except the parade is a funeral procession for their portfolios. One brave soul claims to be up 582k in 6 months (or is it 5?), but without showing positions, they’re basically the crypto equivalent of that friend who swears they almost hooked up with their hot professor. Speaking of questionable decisions, someone dropped $600 on a call option that expires tomorrow… Godspeed, you magnificent gambler.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -66% 89% 0 71K 2462 WTC Waltonchain
1 -66% 0.09 1.16B 5722 ERC20 ERC20
2 -65% 19% 0.02 112K 2558 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
3 -28% 52% 0.02 20M 1172 WOZX Efforce
4 -17% 0.1 25.6M 926 MOB MobileCoin
5 -13% 77% 0 4.91M 1500 BWO Battle World
6 -12% 0.07 69.4M 581 POLY Polymath
7 -12% 0.07 47.6M 1105 BBF Bubblefong
8 -11% 8% 1.92 1.92B 367 ALPH Alephium
9 -10% 52% 0.25 31.8M 1005 KSP KLAYswap Protocol
10 -9% 82% 0 202M 349 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
11 -9% 90% 0.12 102M 501 NXRA Nexera
12 -9% 0.85 60.4M 602 COMBO COMBO
13 -9% 100% 0.21 25.6M 858 ZERC zkRace
14 -8% 99% 0.07 74M 542 REN Ren
15 -8% 0.02 18.7M 1280 DG Decentral Games
16 -7% 0 1.21M 1887 PLAY Play Token
17 -7% 0.01 66.8M 795 AMB AirDAO
18 -7% 40% 0 68.2M 829 PIT Pitbull
19 -7% 0.52 26.1M 854 VXV Vectorspace AI
20 -7% 2.57 1.72B 3381 MC Merit Circle
21 -7% 34% 1.69 169M 618 ORN Orion
22 -7% 0 195M 459 ELON Dogelon Mars
23 -7% 0.97 1.11B 121 AXL Axelar
24 -6% 22% 0.02 192M 701 GFAL Games for a Living
25 -6% 0 324K 2178 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
26 -6% 0.01 11.8M 1128 TSUKA Dejitaru Tsuka
27 -6% 0.85 84.5M 776 STOS Stratos
28 -6% 0.17 174M 419 NOIA Synternet

So, yeah, the crypto market is basically a dumpster fire right now. But hey, at least we can all take comfort in the fact that we’re not alone in our misery. Besides, if those WallStreetBets degenerates can laugh their way to the poorhouse, so can we. Right?

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy