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2024-06-14 Bull Cryptos? More Like Barely There Cryptos

Buckle up buttercup, we're diving into the thrilling world of...*checks notes*... 10M cryptos. Spoiler: It's about as exciting as watching paint dry in a library.

  • VERI (Veritaseum)
    • $22.70: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Ah, Veritaseum. With a name like that, it’s either going to change the world or sell me NFTs of inspirational quotes. 29% jump in 24 hours, though? Even a broken clock is right twice a day, maybe this one’s finally ticking.
  • CTK (Shentu)
    • $0.88: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Shentu, or as I like to call it, “The Silent Assassin”… mostly because it’s been quietly losing value all week. -3% down? Honey, you need a new marketing team, or maybe just a stiff drink.
  • BZZ (Swarm)
    • $0.58: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Look at BZZ buzzing around with a 61% gain over the past week! Must’ve heard about the Grindr news and thought, ‘Hey, two can play that game!’
  • MULTI (Multichain)
    • $0.28: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Multichain, more like Multi-crash, am I right? Down 38% over the past week? Ouch. Somebody call a medic, this coin needs a bandage and a hug (but mostly a financial advisor).

The crypto streets (and by streets, I mean my mom’s basement where I day trade) are buzzing about Grindr (GRDR) potentially becoming the next meme stock. I mean, who needs fundamentals when you have innuendos and rocket emojis, am I right? This got me thinking… could any of these coins become the next meme-fueled rocketship? Let’s dive in (and by dive in, I mean hesitantly dip a toe in this lukewarm pool of crypto).

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +29% 22.7 2.27B 5871 VERI Veritaseum
1 +21% 0.88 119M 398 CTK Shentu
2 +20% 54% 0 28.4M 982 FRA Fractal Network
3 +17% 83% 0.58 36.6M 770 BZZ Swarm
4 +15% 77% 0 3.87M 1543 BWO Battle World
5 +13% 86% 0.5 10.5M 1184 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
6 +13% 76% 0.01 5.37M 1443 XWC WhiteCoin
7 +13% 0 51.5M 707 CCD Concordium
8 +12% 98% 0.9 43M 670 MNW Morpheus.Network
9 +10% 21% 0 228M 628 STC SaitaChain Coin
10 +10% 14% 0.28 28.2M 1442 MULTI Multichain
11 +9% 0.07 73.8M 535 HPO Hippocrat
12 +9% 1.41 53M 596 CEL Celsius
13 +9% 0.29 146M 388 BLZ Bluzelle
14 +8% 18% 4.9 147M 798 SANTOS Santos FC Fan Token
15 +8% 0.12 61.6M 575 DMTR Dimitra
16 +7% 0.11 108M 442 POLY Polymath
17 +7% 43% 0.01 116M 608 MAPO MAP Protocol
18 +6% 0 38.3M 1034 BIDR BIDR
19 +6% 5% 0 16.8M 1882 VEED VIMworld
20 +6% 0.39 113M 413 BAKE BakeryToken
21 +5% 0.22 7.3M 1432 DUST Dust Protocol
22 +5% 58% 0 1.21M 1960 LYRA Lyra
23 +5% 28% 0.09 87.2M 826 AXEL AXEL
24 +5% 0.01 90.2M 860 CWEB Coinweb
25 +4% 2.94 29.4M 1007 ATM Atletico De Madrid Fan Token
26 +4% 42% 0 26.1M 1099 OBSR Observer
27 +4% 78% 0.01 22.9M 933 BTM BytomDAO
28 +3% 37% 0.02 41.8M 980 PSP ParaSwap

So, there you have it, folks. The wild world of 10M cryptos, where gains are modest, losses are…less modest, and the humor is drier than your grandma’s fruitcake. Is this the future of finance? Who knows! But it’s definitely more entertaining than watching Elon Musk argue with a pigeon on Twitter (allegedly).

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy