Featured image of post 2024-09-23 Crypto Carnage 10M Bloodbath

2024-09-23 Crypto Carnage 10M Bloodbath

Buckle up, buttercup, it's a crypto bloodbath out there and the 10M market cap zone looks like a scene from 'The Walking Dead'. We're talking about the kind of red that would make a bullfighter blush.

  • SNM (SONM (BEP-20))
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐
    • Down 36% this week? Even my grandma’s bingo winnings are performing better. This SONM better start singing a happier tune, or it’s heading to the crypto graveyard.
  • PLAY (Play Token)
    • $0.00: ⭐⭐⭐
    • Flat for the week? In this market, that’s about as exciting as watching paint dry. This ‘Play’ is starting to feel more like a snoozefest.
  • VEGA (Vega Protocol)
    • $0.04: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Hey, at least they have “Protocol” in their name, sounds impressive! Too bad it couldn’t stop a 23% nosedive this week. Someone needs to throw this Vega a life vest.
  • YLD (Yield App)
    • $0.01: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Up 53% this week! Finally, a glimmer of hope in this sea of red. It seems this Yield App is actually yielding something other than despair.
  • ERC20 (ERC20)
    • $0.00: ⭐
    • Down 60% - Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! This ERC20 is like that friend who always crashes on your couch and eats all your food. Time to show it the door.

Apollo’s throwing a multi-billion dollar lifeline to Intel? Looks like somebody’s betting on the ’too big to fail’ horse. Meanwhile, in the crypto arena, it’s a different story. It seems like even Nana’s sage advice to ‘buy low, sell high’ has gone out the window.

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 -26% 0 37.8K 2468 SNM SONM (BEP-20)
1 -26% 0 335K 2120 PLAY Play Token
2 -23% 0.04 2.5M 1509 VEGA Vega Protocol
3 -20% 88% 0.01 1.56M 1662 YLD Yield App
4 -20% 0 1.79M 6338 ERC20 ERC20
5 -18% 100% 0.08 81.8M 411 ARDR Ardor
6 -14% 0.44 81.3M 414 ARK Ark
7 -12% 0.06 15.7M 861 NOIA Synternet
8 -11% 83% 0.08 38.3M 661 MOC Moss Coin
9 -11% 0.03 23M 763 NXRA Nexera
10 -10% 0.04 44.6M 824 XCHNG Chainge
11 -9% 79% 0.04 35M 702 FIO FIO Protocol
12 -9% 0.75 74.7M 678 SLND Save
13 -8% 58% 0 713K 2024 LYRA Lyra
14 -8% 87% 0.21 4.36M 1366 BTC2 Bitcoin 2
15 -8% 55% 0 26.9M 880 RXD Radiant
16 -7% 26% 0.01 142M 615 GFAL Games for a Living
17 -7% 76% 0.01 13.6M 1023 XWC WhiteCoin
18 -7% 99% 0.01 8.26M 1090 ABBC ABBC Coin
19 -7% 18% 0 27.9M 1254 DOME Everdome
20 -7% 98% 0.4 19.1M 804 MNW Morpheus.Network
21 -6% 0.18 76.8M 566 GEL Gelato
22 -6% 0.01 11.2M 1140 OPEN Open Custody Protocol
23 -6% 54% 0 2.87M 1628 SSG SOMESING
24 -6% 99% 0 450K 2008 MARO Maro
25 -6% 4.9 70.2M 468 ZANO Zano
26 -5% 4.74 190M 554 UQC Uquid Coin
27 -5% 0.4 405M 228 TRIBE Tribe
28 -5% 31% 0.01 112M 634 VR Victoria VR

So, there you have it - the crypto market is about as predictable as a toddler on a sugar rush. One minute it’s all rainbows and sunshine, the next it’s a complete meltdown. My advice? Hold on tight, keep your sense of humor, and maybe consider investing in some therapy because this roller coaster ride isn’t for the faint of heart!

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy