Featured image of post 2024-05-22BullCryptos10M


Hold onto your hats, folks, the crypto market is wilder than Elon Musk on a Twitter spree! We're diving into the top gainers of the day, and let's just say, some of these names are more bizarre than a Dogecoin millionaire's shopping list.

name price rating comment
0 ERC20 (ERC20) 0.22 7 With a 191% surge, ERC20 is the dark horse of the day. Maybe Vitalik Buterin is secretly buying it up? Conspiracy theories intensify…
1 BeNFT Solutions (BeAI) 0.05 8 BeAI is up 165% - is artificial intelligence finally taking over the blockchain? Or are we all just pawns in a larger AI-powered pump-and-dump scheme?
2 Milady Meme Coin (LADYS) 0 9 LADYS is up 22% and proving that in the crypto casino, meme-coins are the roulette wheel that never stops spinning. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!
3 ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) 0.06 6 Up 34% - Did someone try to buy the Constitution again? Or is this just another case of retail investors getting FOMO’d into oblivion?
4 HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20) (BITCOIN) 0.15 10 With a name like that, how can you NOT be intrigued? Up 19%, this is peak crypto absurdity, and we’re here for it.

Remember that time Elon Musk tweeted about taking Tesla private at $420? Well, swap Tesla with Dogecoin, and you’ve got the current state of meme-coin mania! Speaking of meme-coins, Milady Meme Coin (LADYS) is up 22% today. Is it the next Doge? Who knows, but it’s certainly more entertaining than watching paint dry (or worse, traditional finance). Speaking of which, did you hear the stock market is basically a rigged game of Monopoly, where the bankers always get to be the thimble?

Logo 30D Change 24H Change Circulating Price $ Diluted Cap $ Cap # Symbol Name
0 +191% 0.22 2.82B 259 ERC20 ERC20
1 +165% 19% 0.04 286K 2355 BeAI BeNFT Solutions
2 +137% 14% 0.81 80.7M 1074 MULTI Multichain
3 +104% 100% 0.42 50.3M 619 ZERC zkRace
4 +43% 0 6.2M 1725 THN Throne
5 +34% 99% 0.06 295M 239 PEOPLE ConstitutionDAO
6 +31% 58% 0.01 8.8M 1347 LYRA Lyra
7 +24% 76% 0 4.57M 1448 XWC WhiteCoin
8 +22% 82% 0 187M 340 LADYS Milady Meme Coin
9 +20% 5% 0 28.6M 1656 VEED VIMworld
10 +19% 99% 0.15 153M 345 BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20)
11 +16% 80% 0.01 114M 479 STMX StormX
12 +16% 0.15 152M 348 REQ Request
13 +16% 0.1 71.3M 918 BBF Bubblefong
14 +15% 29% 0.66 662M 304 EDU Open Campus
15 +15% 17% 0.09 77.9M 1052 ASTRAFER Astrafer
16 +15% 51% 0 26.1M 1032 RXD Radiant
17 +14% 76% 0.09 665M 139 SKL SKALE
18 +12% 34% 0.41 203M 537 BOBA Boba Network
19 +12% 42% 0.29 292M 397 FORT Forta
20 +12% 0.02 15.7M 972 TSUKA Dejitaru Tsuka
21 +11% 84% 0.12 34.1M 776 RKN Rakon
22 +11% 0.41 171M 654 GEL Gelato
23 +10% 0 59.7M 583 QUACK RichQUACK.com
24 +10% 38% 0.71 71.2M 791 SLND Solend
25 +9% 40.1 4.01B 5219 VERI Veritaseum
26 +9% 85% 0 71.8M 562 ETN Electroneum
27 +9% 44% 15.8 158M 535 MPL Maple
28 +8% 112.89 63.1M 557 DPI DeFi Pulse Index

So, there you have it, folks, the crypto market - where logic goes to die, and memes become million-dollar assets. Buckle up, because this rollercoaster is just getting started. And remember, in the words of the great Warren Buffet (or was it a Reddit commenter?) - ‘Be fearful when others are greedy, and ridiculously entertained at all times.’

Made with the laziness 🦥
by a busy guy